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Zimbabwe: El Gobierno intensifica la violencia contra los trabajadores rurales y su organizaci�n sindical GAPWUZ


La violencia e intimidaci�n contra los directivos y miembros de la General Agriculture and Plantation Workers' Union de Zimbabwe (GAPWUZ), afiliada a la UITA, se intensifica como secuela de una exitosa huelga general de dos d�as, que concluy� el 19 de marzo. Desde que comenz� la huelga, Amnesty International ha comunicado el arresto de unos 400 opositores. Por lo menos un trabajador agr�cola fue muerto, tras conocerse que hab�a sido golpeado por agentes estatales y hay informes generalizados sobre torturas y palizas. Seg�n Amnesty, la "alarmante escalada" de la violencia pol�tica demostr� que las autoridades estaban "decididas a suprimir el disentimiento por cualquier medio necesario, sin tener en cuenta las terribles consecuencias�.

GAPWUZ y sus miembros han estado entre las principales miras de la violencia y la intimidaci�n en el interior del pa�s, donde la falsa "reforma agraria" del gobierno de Mugabe ha dejado fuera de sus tierras a miles de trabajadores/as agr�colas asalariados y les ha privado de su sustento y sus derechos.

En un mensaje que recibimos de la organizaci�n sindical el 26 de marzo, GAPWUZ informa que el 19 de marzo, su oficina de distrito en Chinhoyi fue incendiada totalmente junto con todos sus archivos. Desde entonces, han ocurrido los siguientes actos de violencia y destrucci�n:

GAPWUZ ha solicitado a la UITA que difunda estos actos lo m�s extensamente posible y que movilice la presi�n internacional sobre el r�gimen de Mugabe para que cese inmediatamente esta campa�a de violencia e intimidaci�n.

La UITA ha escrito al Presidente Mugabe inform�ndole que hace directamente responsable a su gobierno por la seguridad y el bienestar de los miembros y directivos de GAPWUZ y que consideramos que el gobierno es legalmente y financieramente responsable por todo da�o a los bienes de la organizaci�n sindical. Por lo tanto, les rogamos que difundan estos sucesos tan ampliamente como sea posible y que demuestren su solidaridad con GAPWUZ y los/as trabajadores/as rurales de Zimbabwe, dirigi�ndose al Presidente Mugabe. Un modelo de mensaje figura a continuaci�n. Tengan a bien enviar copias a la secretar�a de la UITA de los mensajes que ustedes pudieran remitir. Les agradecemos por anticipado su apoyo y solidaridad.

Sample Message

To: Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe
Fax: + 263 4 70 85 40/70 88 20 /70 85 57

Mr. President,

I have been informed by the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF) that numerous acts of violence and intimidation have been committed against the General Agriculture and Plantation Workers' Union of Zimbabwe (GAPWUZ). On March 19, the GAPWUZ Chinhoyi district office was burnt to the ground along with all its records. Since then, the following acts of violence and destruction have occurred:

Since in all these cases government forces or supporters were involved, your government will be held responsible for these crimes. Your government will also be held directly responsible for the safety and well being of GAPWUZ members and officers, and will considered to be legally and financially liable for any damage to union property. I call upon your government to immediately cease all attacks on GAPWUZ members, officers and property. I will continue to closely follow developments in this regard.

Modelo de Mensaje

A: Robert Mugabe, Presidente de Zimbabwe
Fax: + 263 4 70 85 40/70 88 20 /70 85 57
Se�or Presidente:
He sido informado por la Uni�n Internacional de Trabajadores de la Alimentaci�n, Agr�colas, Hoteles, Restaurantes, Tabaco y Afines (UITA) que se han cometido numerosos actos de violencia e intimidaci�n contra la General Agriculture and Plantation Workers' Union de Zimbabwe (GAPWUZ). El d�a 19 de marzo, su oficina de distrito en Chinhoyi fue incendiada totalmente junto con todos sus archivos. Desde entonces, han ocurrido los siguientes actos de violencia y destrucci�n:

Como en todos estos casos intervinieron las fuerzas o los partidarios gubernamentales, su gobierno ha de ser considerado responsable por estos cr�menes. Su gobierno tambi�n ha de ser considerado directamente responsable por la seguridad y el bienestar de los miembros y directivos de GAPWUZ y legalmente y financieramente responsable por todo da�o a los bienes de la organizaci�n sindical. Exhorto a su gobierno a cesar inmediatamente las agresiones contra los miembros, directivos y bienes de GAPWUZ. Continuar� observando de cerca los sucesos en tal sentido.
Muy atentamente,

Zimbabwe : le gouvernement intensifie les violences � l�encontre des travailleurs/euses agricoles et leur syndicat GAPWUZ


Les violences et les actes d�intimidation � l�encontre des responsables et membres du General Agriculture and Plantation Workers� Union of Zimbabwe (GAPWUZ), affili� � l�UITA, s�intensifient � la suite du succ�s de la gr�ve g�n�rale des 18 et 19 mars. Depuis le d�but de la gr�ve, Amnesty International a rendu compte de l�arrestation de pr�s de 400 militants de l�opposition. Au moins un ouvrier agricole a �t� tu�, apr�s avoir �t� battu par les forces de l�ordre et on note de nombreux comptes-rendus de tortures et de passages � tabac. Selon Amnesty, � l�inqui�tante escalade � de la violence politique montre que les autorit�s sont � d�termin�es � faire taire la dissidence par tous les moyens n�cessaires, au m�pris de terribles cons�quences �.

GAPWUZ et ses membres sont parmi les principales cibles de la violence et des intimidations � la campagne, o� les soi-disant r�formes agraires du gouvernement Mugabe ont oblig� des milliers de travailleurs/euses agricoles � quitter les terres qu�ils/elles cultivaient, les d�pouillant ainsi de leurs moyens d�existence et de leurs droits.

Dans un message re�u par le secr�tariat le 26 mars, GAPWUZ indique que le 19 mars, son bureau du district de Chinhoyi a �t� d�truit par le feu, ainsi que toutes les archives. Depuis cette date, les actes de violence et de destruction suivants ont �t� commis :
GAPWUZ a demand� � l�UITA de faire conna�tre ces faits aussi largement que possible et de mobiliser une pression internationale sur le r�gime Mugabe afin que cesse imm�diatement cette campagne de violences et d�intimidation.

L�UITA a �crit au pr�sident Mugabe pour l�informer du fait que l�UITA tient son gouvernement directement responsable de la s�curit� et du bien �tre des membres et dirigeants de GAPWUZ, et qu�elle tient le gouvernement l�galement et financi�rement responsable pour tous dommages caus�s aux biens syndicaux. Nous vous demandons de faire conna�tre ces violences aussi largement que possible et de montrer votre solidarit� � l�encontre des travailleurs/euses ruraux/ales du Zimbabwe en �crivant au pr�sident Mugabe. Vous trouverez une lettre type ci-dessous. Merci d�envoyer une copie de votre message au secr�tariat de l�UITA.

Nous vous remercions par avance pour votre soutien et votre solidarit�.

Lettre type

A : M. Robert Mugabe, pr�sident du Zimbabwe
T�l�copie : + 263 4 70 85 40/ 70 88 20/ 70 85 57

Monsieur le pr�sident,

Nous avons �t� inform�s par l�Union internationale des travailleurs de l�alimentation, de l�agriculture, de l�h�tellerie-restauration, du tabac et des branches connexes (UITA) des nombreux actes de violence commis � l�encontre du General Agriculture and Plantation Workers� Union of Zimbabwe (GAPWUZ). Le 19 mars, le bureau du district de Chinhoyi a �t� d�truit par le feu, ainsi que toutes les archives qu�il contenait. Depuis cette date, les actes de violence et de destruction suivants ont �t� commis :
Compte tenu du fait que des forces ou des militants du gouvernement �taient impliqu�s dans tous les cas, votre gouvernement sera tenu responsable de ces crimes. Votre gouvernement sera �galement tenu directement responsable de la s�curit� et du bien �tre des membres et dirigeants/es de GAPWUZ, et responsable, l�galement et financi�rement, de tous dommages caus�s aux biens syndicaux. Nous appelons votre gouvernement � cesser imm�diatement les agressions � l�encontre des membres, des dirigeants/es et des biens de GAPWUZ. Nous suivrons attentivement l��volution de la situation.

Veuillez agr�er, monsieur le pr�sident, l�expression de notre consid�ration,

Sample Message

To: Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe
Fax: + 263 4 70 85 40/70 88 20 /70 85 57

Mr. President,

I have been informed by the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF) that numerous acts of violence and intimidation have been committed against the General Agriculture and Plantation Workers' Union of Zimbabwe (GAPWUZ). On March 19, the GAPWUZ Chinhoyi district office was burnt to the ground along with all its records. Since then, the following acts of violence and destruction have occurred:
Since in all these cases government forces or supporters were involved, your government will be held responsible for these crimes. Your government will also be held directly responsible for the safety and well being of GAPWUZ members and officers, and will considered to be legally and financially liable for any damage to union property. I call upon your government to immediately cease all attacks on GAPWUZ members, officers and property. I will continue to closely follow developments in this regard.


Zimbabwe: Regierung verst�rkt Gewalt gegen Landarbeiter und ihre Gewerkschaft GAPWUZ


Die gegen Beauftragte und Mitglieder des IUL-Mitgliedsverbandes General Agriculture and Plantation Workers� Union of Zimbabwe (Allgemeine Gewerkschaft der Landwirtschafts- und Plantagenarbeitnehmer Simbabwes - GAPWUZ) gerichtete Gewalt und Einsch�chterung hat nach dem am 19. M�rz beendeten erfolgreichen zweit�tigen Generalstreik stark zugenommen. Seit der Streik begann hat Amnesty International die Verhaftung von rund 400 Anh�ngern der Opposition gemeldet. Mindestens ein Farmarbeiter wurde get�tet, nachdem er, Berichten zufolge, von Beauftragten des Staates zusammengeschlagen worden war, und es h�ufen sich die Berichte �ber das Foltern und Verpr�geln von Menschen. Laut Amnesty zeige die "alarmierende Eskalation" politischer Gewalttaten, dass die Beh�rden entschlossen seien, "Andersdenkende mit allen notwendigen Mitteln zu unterdr�cken, ungeachtet der schrecklichen Folgen".

Die GAPWUZ und ihre Mitglieder geh�ren zu den wichtigsten Zielgruppen der Gewalt und Einsch�chterung auf dem Land, wo die angebliche "Landreform" der Mugabe-Regierung Tausende von Landarbeitern vertrieben und ihrer Lebensgrundlage und ihrer Rechte beraubt hat.

In einer Mitteilung, die wir am 26. M�rz von der Gewerkschaft erhielten, berichtet die GAPWUZ, dass ihr Bezirksb�ro Chinhoyi am 19. M�rz mit allen Unterlagen der Gewerkschaft niedergebrannt worden sei. Seither kam es zu den folgenden Akten von Gewalt und Zerst�rung:

Die GAPWUZ hat die IUL gebeten, diese Taten soweit wie m�glich bekanntzumachen und die Mitgliedsverb�nde aufzufordern, internationalen Druck auf das Mugabe-Regime zu mobilisieren, damit dieser Kampagne der Gewalt und der Einsch�chterung unverz�glich ein Ende gemacht wird.

Die IUL hat an Pr�sident Mugabe geschrieben und ihm mitgeteilt, dass sie seine Regierung unmittelbar f�r die Sicherheit und das Wohl der Mitglieder und Beauftragten der GAPWUZ verantwortlich macht und der Ansicht ist, dass die Regierung rechtlich und finanziell f�r jede Besch�digung von Gewerkschaftseigentum haftet. Wir bitten euch deshalb dringend, diese Ereignisse soweit wie m�glich bekanntzumachen und eure Solidarit�t mit der GAPWUZ und den Landarbeitern Simbabwes zu bekunden, indem ihr an Pr�sident Mugabe schreibt. Eine Musterbotschaft folgt nachstehend. Bitte schickt Kopien etwaiger Botschaften an das IUL-Sekretariat.


To: Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe
Fax: + 263 4 70 85 40/70 88 20 /70 85 57

Mr. President,

I have been informed by the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF) that numerous acts of violence and intimidation have been committed against the General Agriculture and Plantation Workers' Union of Zimbabwe (GAPWUZ). On March 19, the GAPWUZ Chinhoyi district office was burnt to the ground along with all its records. Since then, the following acts of violence and destruction have occurred:
Since in all these cases government forces or supporters were involved, your government will be held responsible for these crimes. Your government will also be held directly responsible for the safety and well being of GAPWUZ members and officers, and will considered to be legally and financially liable for any damage to union property. I call upon your government to immediately cease all attacks on GAPWUZ members, officers and property. I will continue to closely follow developments in this regard.


�bersetzung - Musterbotschaft

An Robert Mugabe, Pr�sident von Simbabwe
Fax: +263 4 70 85 40/70 88 20/70 85 57

Sehr geehrter Herr Pr�sident,

Ich bin von der Internationalen Union der Lebensmittel-, Landwirtschafts-, Hotel, Restaurant-, Caf�- und Genussmittelarbeiter-Gewerkschaften (IUL) dar�ber unterrichtet worden, dass gegen die General Agriculture and Plantation Workers� Union of Zimbabwe (GAPWUZ) zahlreiche Akte der Gewalt und Einsch�chterung ver�bt wurden. Am 19. M�rz wurde das GAPWUZ-Bezirksb�ro Chinhoyi mit allen Unterlagen niedergebrannt. Seither kam es zu den folgenden Akten von Gewalt und Zerst�rung:

Da an all diesen F�llen Regierungskr�fte oder -anh�nger beteiligt waren, muss sich Ihre Regierung f�r diese Verbrechen verantworten. Ihre Regierung wird auch unmittelbar f�r die Sicherheit und das Wohl der Mitglieder und Beauftragten der GAPWUZ verantwortlich gemacht werden und rechtlich und finanziell f�r jede Besch�digung von Gewerkschaftseigentum haften m�ssen. Ich fordere deshalb Ihre Regierung auf, allen Angriffen gegen Mitglieder, Beauftragte und Eigentum der GAPWUZ unverz�glich ein Ende zu machen. Ich werde die weiteren Entwicklungen genau verfolgen.


Trabajador Azucarero, Marzo 2003. Noticias del Sector Azucarero.


Trabajador Azucarero
Informaci�n y An�lisis para Sindicatos en el Sector Azucarero
Volumen III, N�mero 3
Marzo 2003


UITA Solidaridad: Trinidad

A mediados de marzo, la UITA lanz� una campa�a de solidaridad con el sindicato azucarero All Trinidad (ATSGWTU), solicitando a los sindicatos enviar mensajes al Primer Ministro de Trinidad y demandar una reestructuraci�n negociada y por etapas de Caroni (1975) Ltd. Sindicatos de Austria, Belice, Canad�, Colombia, Estados Unidos, Guyana, Nicaragua, Noruega, Reino Unido, y San Crist�bal-Nevis, as� como las oficinas regionales de Europa y Am�rica Latina y el secretariado general de la UITA han expresado su preocupaci�n sobre la manera en c�mo el gobierno conduce la reestructuraci�n de Caroni.

Puesta al d�a: El 28 de marzo, la Corte Industrial otorg� al All Trinidad una orden en contra del programa de separaci�n voluntaria del empleo (VSEP por sus siglas en ingl�s), que el gobierno hab�a introducido como un primer paso en la reestructuraci�n de la compa��a azucarera estatal Caroni (1975) Ltd.

La orden judicial requiere que Caroni detenga la implementaci�n del VSEP que, en la pr�ctica dice el All Trinidad, anula todo el proceso. La Corte Industrial tambi�n orden� a Caroni que se abstenga de intentar persuadir a sus empleados para que firmen el VSEP, en una clara referencia a la enorme campa�a de relaciones p�blicas que el gobierno lanz� a mediados de febrero. Caroni se abstendr� de emitir cartas de aceptaci�n del VSEP, que fueron programadas a ser distribuidas el 11 de abril, y no considerar� que aquellos empleados que firmaron el VSEP han terminado o acordado terminar su empleo en la compa��a. La Corte Industrial ver� la materia el 7 de mayo.

El All Trinidad obtuvo la orden judicial basado en que la compa��a falt� en reconocer al sindicato como representante de la mayor�a de los empleados y en negociar el VSEP antes de ofrecerlo a los empleados.

Para la semana que termin� el 28 de marzo, fuentes de la compa��a dijeron que unos 4,000 empleados, de un total de 9,200, hab�an aceptado el VSEP. Fuentes en el All Trinidad dijeron que un n�mero importante de trabajadores (pagados a jornal) hab�an firmado bajo presi�n, refiri�ndose a que el ministro de agricultura declar� que los trabajadores deber�an tomar el VSEP o ser�an despedidos. El directorio de Caroni (1975) Ltd. hab�a solicitado p�blicamente al gobierno que reconsidere el VSEP, en especial en lo que concierne a los trabajadores.

Un incidente preocupante ocurri� en las primeras horas del 29 de marzo, cuando incendiarios prendieron fuego a las oficinas de Recursos Humanos de Caroni en Sevilla (Cuova). Los peri�dicos dijeron que empleados de Caroni enviaban su informaci�n sobre el VSEP a aquella oficina, pero que la informaci�n misma se guarda en otro lugar y que no hubo p�rdida de informaci�n importante.

Mientras tanto, la zafra 2003 contin�a enfrentando serias dificultades, incluyendo una demora de cuatro semanas en su inicio. Voceros de los sembradores de ca�a dijeron que Caroni ha comprado menos de la mitad de la ca�a que ellos usualmente entregan, y culparon al ministro de Agricultura de crear inestabilidad durante la zafra. Adem�s, las dos f�bricas de Caroni han experimentado paradas en sus operaciones: la Usine Ste. Madeleine, cuando los empleados demandaron mayor informaci�n sobre el VSEP, y en la Brechin Castle debido a fallas t�cnicas. En la estaci�n de pesaje Forres Park de esta �ltima, inform� el Trinidad Express el 23 de marzo, un cable de una gr�a se rompi� y casi lesiona a dos trabajadores. Los trabajadores responsabilizaron a la compa��a del accidente, diciendo que no est� dando mantenimiento apropiado al equipo. Para finales de marzo tambi�n, el director ejecutivo y el gerente de recursos humanos dejaron la compa��a debido a un permiso de trabajo pre-jubilaci�n. Justo en el momento "m�s traum�tico" de su historia, la compa��a pierde dos de sus m�s altos funcionarios.

En noticias relacionadas, la Corte Superior otorg� una orden a dos empleados de Caroni que impide que la compa��a disponga o transfiera alguna de sus propiedades, incluyendo unos 77,000 acres de tierra (31,161 hect�reas). Los trabajadores hicieron su reclamo basados en que la compa��a no hab�a financiado apropiadamente el fondo de jubilaci�n de los empleados. La Corte ver� el caso el 2 de mayo. El gobierno ha dicho que la nueva Caroni dejar� de cultivar ca�a y las tierras ser�n traspasadas al Estado para ser manejadas por una recientemente creada agencia estatal.

Kenya: Huelga de Ch�feres en Mumias Sugar

Una huelga de 17 d�as de ch�feres en Mumias Sugar termin� el 22 de marzo, despu�s que ellos conquistaran su derecho a afiliarse al sindicato de su elecci�n, el sindicato de trabajadores de plantaciones azucareras de Kenya (KUSPW). El 20 de enero ocurri� una paralizaci�n de labores, relacionada con la huelga, cuando los ch�feres se quejaron de malas condiciones de trabajo y que los empleadores se negaban a reconocer su derecho a sindicalizarse. Despu�s de dos d�as de negociaciones, las partes llegaron a un acuerdo, incluyendo el derecho de sindicalizaci�n, que fue ratificado en una reuni�n del 28 de enero con el oficial provincial del Trabajo. Representantes de los ch�feres se reunieron con el KUSPW para solicitar su apoyo en sindicalizarse, y m�s de 700 ch�feres firmaron un formulario de membres�a con el KUSPW.

El KUSPW y los empleadores deber�an firmar un Acta de Reconocimiento el 4 de marzo, pero los empleadores informaron al oficial del Trabajo que ellos no reconocer�an al KUSPW y negociar�an con otra organizaci�n. El oficial del Trabajo dijo a los ch�feres que ellos deber�an afiliarse con el sindicato elegido por los empleadores. Los ch�feres fueron a la huelga el 5 de marzo. Una semana m�s tarde, los ch�feres solicitaron al KUSPW que se reuniera con ellos y sus empleadores para discutir la huelga pero, nuevamente, los empleadores rehusaron tratar con el KUSPW.

La oposici�n de los empleadores llev� al KUSPW a iniciar una disputa en el Ministerio de Trabajo, de acuerdo al Acta de Disputas Industriales. El KUSPW dijo que los sindicatos en su pa�s son sindicatos de industria y no de profesi�n, y que los ch�feres que transportan la ca�a pertenecen a la industria azucarera. La constituci�n del KUSPW permite que al sindicato afiliar a todos los empleados en la industria azucarera y actividades relacionadas. Adem�s, por encima de una simple mayor�a de los ch�feres han expresado su intenci�n de afiliarse al KUSPW.

Para terminar la huela, los empleadores acordaron que los ch�feres se reintegrar�an al trabajo sin condici�n alguna, que no perder�an ning�n beneficio ni ser�an hostilizados por su participaci�n en la huelga, y que podr�an afiliarse al sindicato de su elecci�n. (En el 2000, la Mumias Sugar subcontrat� las operaciones de transporte de ca�a.)

De acuerdo con los diarios locales, �sta fue la cuarta huelga en tres meses en Mumias, lo que se�ala el nivel de frustraci�n entre los empleados y el pobre estado de las relaciones en la industria en general.

Aunque la huelga de los ch�feres termin�, Mumias no pudo reiniciar su molienda normal, porque los sembradores se rehusaron a entregar ca�a. Ellos demandan que la compa��a restablezca el precio anterior de la ca�a de 2,015 shillings por tonelada de ca�a (USD 26.24), que unilateralmente recort� en un 15 por ciento (a USD 22.79). La compa��a dijo que utilizar�a su propia ca�a, pero los sembradores rechazaron esta idea porque dicen que ella no tiene suficiente ca�a para mantener su molienda. Los precios de la ca�a contin�an siendo uno de los principales problemas de la industria, con los moledores decidiendo recortar el precio, citando costos crecientes. (Con informes de Francis Wangara, KUSPW.)

India: Seguro para Cortadores de Ca�a

Un informe de la United News of India dijo que la United India Insurance Company, a trav�s de su oficina en Ahmednagar, concluy� lo que podr�a ser la mayor p�liza de seguros en la industria azucarera del pa�s, cubriendo casi un mill�n de cortadores de ca�a, en m�s de 150 f�bricas en el estado de Maharashtra.

Los trabajadores tendr�n cobertura en los pr�ximos tres a�os bajo una p�liza que llega a USD 2.09 millones y entr� en vigencia el 15 de enero, despu�s que una reuni�n entre la asociaci�n de cortadores de ca�a, la Maharashtra Tajya Sakhar Hakhana Sangh y la United India, aseguradora, firmara el convenio.

El seguro cubre tres �reas: accidentes, que incluye USD 2,090 por muerte accidental, USD 104 en cobertura de vivienda temporal, y USD 419 por la muerte de bueyes (par). (Hindu Business Line, 21 de enero del 2003.)

M�xico: Gobierno Retendr� Ingenios

Cuando el gobierno mejicano expropi� 27 ingenios en septiembre del 2001, ofreci� rehabilitarlos y preparar una nueva venta en marzo del 2003. Sin embargo, el proceso encontr� varios problemas, y ahora parece que el gobierno mantendr� el control de los ingenios hasta el 2006.

Fuentes locales dijeron que el principal obst�culo para una re-privatizaci�n son los juicios legales contra la expropiaci�n. El resultado de algunos de ellos ha favorecido a los ex-propietarios antes que al gobierno, y sin una decisi�n favorable, el gobierno no puede vender los ingenios. Adem�s, hubo cambios en el Fondo de Empresas Expropiadas del Sector Azucarero (FEESA), y no hay directivas claras sobre la rehabilitaci�n y las nuevas inversiones en los ingenios.

Para muchos mejicanos, la expropiaci�n no estuvo bien planificada y en realidad parece haber beneficiado a los propietarios: el gobierno, dicen ellos, ha asumido la responsabilidad de invertir en los ingenios, la expropiaci�n liber� a los ex-propietarios de sus deudas multimillonarias y, muy probablemente, el gobierno tendr� que devolver los ingenios ya rehabilitados, si el resultado de los juicios no le favorece.

En noticias relacionadas, la C�mara de Diputados vot� el 10 de diciembre a favor de mantener el impuesto del 20 por ciento sobre las bebidas refrescos que utilizan el jarabe de ma�z (HFCS por sus siglas en ingl�s). El impuesto fue introducido el 1 de enero del 2002, para proteger a la industria azucarera de la competencia del HFCS importado de los Estados Unidos. El poder Ejecutivo, sin embargo, suspendi� el impuesto el 5 de marzo del mismo a�o. M�xico tiene uno de los mayores mercados de bebidas refresco en el mundo entero, que consume entre 1.2-1.4 millones de toneladas de az�car anuales. El HFCS es un producto sustituto del az�car en esta industria. El voto de la C�mara a�ade a las dificultades de alcanzar una soluci�n negociada en la disputa comercial sobre az�car y edulcorantes, que ya lleva cinco a�os, entre Estados Unidos y M�xico, en el contexto del Tratado de Libre Comercio de Am�rica del Norte.

Polonia: Saint Louis Sucre Compra la M�s Grande Azucarera

El Saint Louis Sucre (SLS), el segundo grupo azucarero en Francia, finalmente super� los obst�culos en la compra del 95 por ciento en la compa��a azucarera mayor de Polonia, la Slaska Spolka Cukrowa.

Dos a�os atr�s, el Saint Louis - que fue comprado por la alemana S�dzucker - hab�a acordado adquirir la Slaska por 250.5 millones de zlotyes (USD 61.6 millones). El gobierno polaco, sin embargo, inici� una larga disputa judicial aduciendo que el SLS no hab�a obtenido permisos para la compra de tierras. En marzo del 2003, las cortes fallaron en que no hab�a fundamento legal para bloquear la venta y el Tesoro aprob� la misma. El grupo franc�s acord� invertir USD 38.1 millones en modernizar las f�bricas, y prometi� dar garant�as de empleo de 40 meses. El restante 5 por ciento de la Slaska ser� transferido a Polski Cukier, una compa��a azucarera nacional creada en 2002, pero el Saint Louis tiene la oportunidad de comprarlo en el futuro. La Slaska incluye 16 f�bricas procesadores de remolacha, con una capacidad nominal de 300,000 toneladas de az�car anuales, cerca de una quinta parte de la producci�n nacional polaca.

En otras noticias, la alemana Nordzucker demand� una compensaci�n de USD 24.5 millones del gobierno polaco, aduciendo que el Tesoro no ha finalizado la privatizaci�n ya negociada de dos grupos azucareros y, al contrario, la ha paralizado. En diciembre pasado hubo noticias que estos grupos ser�an traspasados a la Polski Cukier. Nordzucker dice que el gobierno hab�a asegurado inicialmente que le ser�a permitido comprar cuatro grupos azucareros, y aumentar su participaci�n al 20 por ciento del mercado dom�stico, desde el actual 9 por ciento.

Pfeifer und Langen, otra compa��a alemana, ha solicitado arbitraje en su disputa con el Tesoro polaco para modificar condiciones en la privatizaci�n de la Krajowa Sp�lka Cukrowa, un holding azucarero. Pfeifer und Langen quiere m�s tiempo para realizar las inversiones prometidas en las f�bricas, cambiar la forma de inversi�n de activos a aumento de capital, y evitar una multa de 6 millones de euros (USD 6.45 millones) de acuerdo al contrato firmado el 2001. Un vocero de la compa��a dijo que se les pas� la fecha l�mite para las inversiones, porque estaban esperando los cambios al contrato que ya hab�an sido acordados con el Tesoro.

Cuba: Prepar�ndose Para M�s Bajos R�cord de Producci�n en 90 A�os

A mediados de marzo, fuentes gubernamentales dijeron que s�lo cinco de las trece provincias productoras de az�car hab�an alcanzado la marca de las 100,000 toneladas, y una sola estaba cerca de las 200,000 toneladas de az�car, en la bastante dif�cil zafra 2002/03. A estas alturas en la zafra pasada, once provincias hab�an superado las 100,000 toneladas, con seis de ellas llegando a las 200,000 y tres cercanas a las 300,000 toneladas. Y, sin embargo, en la zafra pasada, Cuba luch� para producir 3.61 millones de toneladas de az�car, uno de los m�s bajos niveles de los �ltimos 50 a�os. Este a�o, ninguna provincia ha producido 200,000 toneladas todav�a. Fuentes de la industria dicen que un inicio tard�o de la zafra debido a falta de combustible, repuestos y financiamiento, son en parte responsable.

Con estas estad�sticas, y con el periodo �ptimo de cosecha a punto de terminar - a mediados de abril -, analistas locales dicen que la producci�n podr�a ser tan baja como 2 millones de toneladas, tel quel, comparable a los 1910s. La temporada de lluvia comienza usualmente a finales de abril- inicios de mayo, las operaciones de cosecha se tornan dif�ciles, la calidad de la ca�a decrece, y los costos aumentan. (Debido a las lluvias, es dif�cil utilizar la maquinaria en los campos y una gran parte de la ca�a en Cuba es cosechada mec�nicamente.) El pasado septiembre, el gobierno hab�a estimado una producci�n similar a 2001/02 pero, en diciembre, cuando la zafra comienza, redujo sus proyecciones a 2.7 millones de toneladas.

En 1988/89, Cuba produjo 8.1 millones de toneladas de az�car, pero el colapso de la Uni�n Sovi�tica y la p�rdida de mercado crearon un ambiente extremadamente dif�cil para el az�car. Analistas dijeron que la decisi�n de reestructurar la industria (con el cierre de casi la mitad de los 156 ingenios) era correcta, pero el ritmo de los cambios no. En parte, ellos argumentaron, la reestructuraci�n hab�a sido pospuesta por mucho tiempo, s�lo para ser ejecutada con mucha prisa. Fuentes en el Ministerio del Az�car dijeron que hab�an sugerido en 2002, una reestructuraci�n por etapas en dos o tres a�os, pero que el gobierno orden� el cierre inmediato de los ingenios.

Az�car y Etanol: Nuevo Motor de Combustible Dual de Volkswagen, Programa de Etanol en India

El 24 de marzo, la Volkswagen present� a la industria y a la prensa su nuevo motor de combustible dual, que funciona ya sea con etanol producido de la ca�a o con gasolina. El motor de combustible dual fue desarrollado en cuatro a�os y, aunque todav�a tiene problemas de arranque en clima fr�o, la Volkswagen piensa que reemplazar� a todos los otros motores en el mediano plazo. Esto puede representar 27,000 a 28,000 veh�culos nuevos por mes, dijo un informe de la Reuters. El nuevo motor alentar� la demanda de etanol y contribuir� a consolidar el complejo brasile�o de az�car y alcohol.

Una vocero de la Volkswagen dijo que la compa��a est� buscando exportar los carros de combustible dual a China. Brasil tiene la experiencia para ayudar a pa�ses en implementar el protocolo de Kioto sobre la emisi�n de gases de efecto invernadero, ella a�adi�. "Tenemos el mundo a nuestros pies" comentaron representantes de la Uni�o da Agroind�stria Canavieira de S�o Paulo (UNICA), en la presentaci�n p�blica del carro de combustible dual.

En noticias estrechamente relacionadas, la Mitsui & Co. del Jap�n y el grupo brasile�o Cosan han acordado establecer una planta de etanol para exportaciones al Jap�n. De acuerdo con el Japan Times, Mitsui est� enviando equipos valorizados en USD 1.5 millones para ensamblar una planta piloto en Piracicaba (Sao Paulo), junto al ingenio Costa Pinto de la Cosan. La producci�n inicial se estima en 2,000 litros mensuales. Mitsui planea importar de Brasil cerca de 500 millones de litros en la segunda mitad del 2003. El gobierno japon�s, por otra parte, est� estudiando la mezcla de entre el 3 y 10 por ciento de etanol en gasolina para carros.

Mientras tanto, el gobierno federal en India introdujo una regulaci�n estipulando una mezcla al cinco por ciento de etanol y petr�leo. El programa tiene dos etapas. En la primera parte del 2003, cuatro estados importantes en la producci�n azucarera (Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab y Uttar Pradesh) vender�n esta mezcla; y para mediados del 2003, cinco estados m�s (Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka y Tamil Nadu) y cuatro territorios seguir�n el ejemplo. Una segunda etapa ver� la introducci�n de la mezcla en el resto del pa�s. De acuerdo con la p�gina web del siliconindia.com, el gobierno estima que la demanda de etanol ser� de entre 320 -350 millones de litros anuales en la primera etapa (los nueve estados y cuatro territorios).

La industria azucarera india recibi� calurosamente las noticias del programa de etanol. Sin embargo, la industria prev� un lento inicio del mismo, debido a falta de infraestructura y oferta limitada. Solamente Uttar Pradesh, con 120 millones de litros, y Maharashtra, con 100 millones de litros, se consideran como productores de excedentes de etanol. La producci�n en Andhra Pradesh es cerca del 60 por ciento de sus requerimientos de etanol, y en Karnataka el 80 por ciento.

Fuentes de la industria dijeron que algunas de las 118 f�bricas azucareras con destiler�as han comenzado a producir etanol, mientras que la mayor�a est�n esperando fondos del Fondo de Desarrollo Azucarero para modernizar sus f�bricas o construir nuevas. Compa��as petroleras acordaron para 17 rupias por litro (US 36 centavos) en el primer trimestre del 2003, bastante por debajo del etanol importado, principalmente de Brasil.

Uni�n Europea: Recomiendan Recortes en Cuota de Producci�n y Precio de Apoyo

En el proceso de reforma de la Pol�tica Agr�cola Com�n, la Uni�n Europea encarg� dos estudios sobre el r�gimen azucarero, uno de los cuales fue ya completado por EuroCARE, un grupo basado en Bonn. EuroCARE examin� varias posibilidades de reforma y de ajustes en la industria azucarera y favoreci� la reducci�n del precio de intervenci�n - el precio m�nimo garantizado - en un 54 por ciento, la eliminaci�n de las cuotas de producci�n y la introducci�n de pagos directos a los granjeros. Estas reformas favorecer�an a los consumidores, pero los granjeros y los procesadores ver�an sus ingresos reducidos. Los procesadores necesitar�an racionalizar sus operaciones, probablemente cerrando algunas f�bricas, mientras que los granjeros recibir�an pagos directos. El segundo estudio, encargado a una universidad holandesa, examinar� la competencia en la industria azucarera de la Uni�n Europea. Los resultados de este estudio se conocer�n en abril. Estos dos estudios, adem�s de los informes internos de la UE, ser�n la base para la reforma del r�gimen azucarero.

Noticias de Compa��as

Alemania - Hungr�a: Nordzucker Cierra una F�brica, Compra Tres M�s

Argumentando sobrecapacidad de producci�n, la Nordzucker, el segundo grupo alem�n azucarero mayor, anunci� el 20 de marzo que cerrar� la f�brica de Scheleswig (9,000 toneladas diarias de procesamiento - tdc) a finales del 2003. La compa��a tiene una cuota de producci�n de 1.15 millones de toneladas anuales de az�car en la Uni�n Europea. Un an�lisis de sus f�bricas indica una sobrecapacidad de 12,000 tdc, que la compa��a quiere reducir. Ciento veinti�n puestos de trabajo se perder�n.

Mientras tanto, la Oficina de Competencia en Hungr�a aprob� una transacci�n por la cual Nordzucker compr� la porci�n mayoritaria en tres f�bricas azucareras: 51 por ciento en la M�travid�ki Cukorgy�r Rt (5,400 tdc) y en la Szerencsi Cukorgy�r Rt (6,500 tdc), y un 68 por ciento en la Szolnoki Cukorgy�r Rt (8,000 tdc). Se dijo que estas tres plantas aportan el 37 por ciento de la producci�n h�ngara de az�car de unas 470,000 toneladas anuales (en comparaci�n con un consumo de 370,000 toneladas). Un vocero de la Nordzucker dijo que el valor nominal de la participaci�n de la compa��a en las f�bricas es de USD 26.2 millones y que la compa��a piensa adquirir las acciones restantes, ahora en manos del gobierno. (En el 2002, el consorcio franc�s Origny-Naples, consistente de cooperativas de sembradores remolacheros, compr� las operaciones francesas de la B�ghin-Say, el due�o anterior de las tres f�bricas. En ese momento, el consorcio dijo que vender�a las compa��as h�ngaras.)



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New Slovakian Labour Code Act � Slovakian trade unions meet with some success


IUF Slovakian affiliates have played their part in a campaign to protect labour laws in that country. The following text was sent out by the IUF' regional organization, EFFAT-IUF, to its affiliates following the efforts of the trade union movement there:

"When the Slovakian government put forward a series of major changes to the Labour Code Act of April 2002 in what was to all intents and purposes a �high-speed procedure�, the trade unions immediately made their views known in clear and unambiguous terms. They objected to the abrupt manner in which the government had bypassed consultation with the social partners before submitting its proposals, and on 26 February the KOZ indicated that it was ready to call a strike.

In parallel to these events, the unions set up a group of experts to look into the government�s proposals. This group now appears to have been successful in its endeavours, as substantial tripartite negotiations have taken place and the results of a series of agreements on a new revision of the Labour Code Act were presented to the government by the Minister of Labour a few days ago.

The most important results achieved by the unions on the government�s first set of proposals are as follows:

 Minimum wages are to be retained.
 The licensing of employment agencies (>temporary agency work) has been set aside for the time being and will be discussed again later with a view to establishing a separate employment law.
 Additional holiday provisions for certain groups of workers (such as those working in hazardous occupations) are to be retained.
 The planned extensions of working hours in 2 and 3 shift operations were dropped, and the 37.5 hour system is to be retained.
 Trade union monitoring of occupational health and safety measures is to be retained.
 Changes to rules on working hours in enterprises will require the agreement of the trade union/works council.
 Notice periods and compensation were revised, but in a form acceptable to the trade unions.

The only outstanding issues to be resolved are the provision of time off for workforce representatives and the division of areas of competence between works councils and trade unions working side by side in enterprises.

Despite the current agreements reached in the tripartite council, the unions are remaining vigilant, as they fear that the employers may try to influence the parliamentary legislative process which will now follow.

The Slovakian trade unions have proved that a rapid, well-founded response by the unions was both possible and successful. They also succeeded in getting the ILO directly involved in the process so that irrelevant provisions could be excluded from the outset.

We must now wait and see whether parliament will abide by the agreements established between the social partners.

The Sugar Worker, March 2003. News from the Sugar Sector.


The Sugar Worker
Information and Analysis for Unions in the Sugar Sector
Volume V, Number 3
March 2003


IUF Solidarity: Trinidad

In mid-March, the IUF launched an international solidarity campaign with the All Trinidad Sugar and General Workers Trade Union (ATSGWTU) asking unions to send messages to the Prime Minister of Trinidad requesting a phased-in and negotiated restructuring of Caroni (1975) Ltd. Unions in Austria, Belize, Canada, Colombia, Guyana, Nicaragua, Norway, the United Kingdom, the United States and St. Kitts, and the IUF regional offices in Europe and Latin America and the general secretariat have already expressed their concerns with the way the government is conducting Caroni's restructuring.

More information is available at: http://www.iuf.org.uk/cgi-bin/dbman/db.cgi?db=default&uid=default&ID=761&view_records=1&ww=1&en=1

Update: On 28 March, the Industrial Court granted the All Trinidad an injunction on the Voluntary Separation of Employment Programme (VSEP), which the government has introduced as a first step in the restructuring of the State-owned sugar company Caroni (1975) Ltd.

The injunction orders Caroni to stop the implementation of the VSEP that in practice, says the All Trinidad, makes the whole process null and void. The Industrial Court also orders Caroni to restrain from attempting to persuade its employees to sign the VSEP, in a clear reference to the massive public relations campaign that the government launched in mid February. Caroni has to refrain from issuing letters of acceptance to the employees under the VSEP, which have been scheduled for 11 April, and will not consider employees who have signed the VSEP as having terminated or agreed to terminate their employment with the company. The Industrial Court will see the matter on 7 May.

The All Trinidad obtained the injunction based on the company's failure to recognise the union as representing the majority of employees and to negotiate the VSEP before offering it to the employees.

By the week ending on 28 March, company sources said that some 4,000 employees, out of 9,200, had accepted the VSEP offer. All Trinidad sources said that a significant number of daily-paid employees signed under duress, referring to the several occasions when the minister of Agriculture said workers should take the VSEP or be retrenched. The board of Caroni (1975) Ltd. had publicly asked the government to re-examine the VSEP, particularly in what concerns to the daily-paid employees.

A troubling incident happened in the early hours of 29 March, when arsonists set fire to Caroni's Human Resources offices in Sevilla, Cuova. Newspapers said that employees sent their VSEP information to that office, but the information itself is stored in another location and there was no loss of important records.

Meanwhile, the 2003 crop continues facing severe difficulties, including a four-week delayed start. Spokespersons for the cane farmers said that Caroni has bought less than half the cane they usually deliver and blamed the minister of Agriculture for creating instability during the crop. In addition, both Caroni factories have experienced work stoppages: the Usine St. Madeleine, when employees demanded more information on the VSEP and in Brechin Castle due to technical breakdowns. In the latter's Forres Park weighing station, reported the Trinidad Express on 23 March, a cable of a crane snapped nearly injuring two workers. The workers blamed the company for the accident, saying it is not giving proper maintenance to the equipment. By the end of March as well, Caroni's chief executive officer and the Human Resources manager left the company on a pre-retirement leave. Right in the middle of the "most traumatic time" in its history, the company losses two top officials.

In related news, a High Court injunction granted to two Caroni employees prevents the company from disposing or transferring any of its assets, including the 77,000 acres of land. The workers argued that the company has under-funded the employees' pension fund. The Court will see the matter on 2 May. The government said that the new Caroni would stop growing cane and lands would be transferred to the State to be managed by a newly created governmental agency.

Kenya: Drivers Strike at Mumias Sugar

A 17-day strike by drivers at Mumias Sugar ended on 22 March, after they conquered their right to join the union of their choice, the Kenya Union of Sugar Plantation Workers (KUSPW). A related work stoppage occurred on 20 January, when the drivers complained of poor working conditions and the refusal of employers to allow them to unionise. After a two-day negotiation, the parties reached an agreement, including the drivers' right to join a union of their choice, ratified in a meeting with the Provincial Labour Officer on 28 January. Representatives of the drivers met with the KUSPW to ask for its support, and over 700 drivers signed a KUSPW membership form.

The KUSPW and the employers were to sign a Recognition Agreement on 4 March, but the employers informed the Provincial Labour Officer that they would not recognize KUSPW and would deal with another organisation. The Labour Officer told the drivers that they should join the union chosen by the employers. The drivers went on strike on 5 March. A week later, the drivers asked the KUSPW to meet with them and their employers to discuss the strike but, again, the employers refused to talk with the KUSPW.

The employers' opposition prompted the KUSPW to initiate a dispute at the Ministry of Labour, according to the Trade Dispute Act. The KUSPW said that unions in the country are industry-based and not craft-based, and drivers who transport cane belong in the sugar industry. The KUSPW's constitution allows the union to organise all employees working in the sugar industry and related activities. Additionally, more than a simple majority of drivers expressed their intention to join the KUSPW.

To end the strike, the employers agreed that drivers would resume work without conditions, they will not lose any benefits and will not be victimised because of their participation in the strike, and that they would join the union of their choice. (In 2000, Mumias Sugar outsourced the cane transport operations.)

According to local papers, the strike was the fourth in three months in Mumias, indicating the level of frustration among employees and the poor state of industrial relations in sugar overall.

Although the drivers' strike ended, Mumias was unable to resume normal operations because farmers refused to deliver cane. They demanded the company restore the old price of 2,015 Kenyan shillings per tonne of cane (USD 26.24), which it unilaterally cut by about 15 percent (to USD 22.79). The company said it would use their own cane, but farmers dismissed such notion saying the company does not own enough cane to sustain its milling operations. Cane prices continue to be one of the major problems in the sugar industry, with millers deciding to cut prices, citing increasing costs. (With reports from Francis Wangara, KUSPW)

India: Insurance for Cane Cutters

A report by the United News of India said that the United India Insurance Company, through its Ahmednagar office, completed what might be the country's largest insurance policy in the sugar industry, covering around 1 million cane cutters in over 150 sugar factories in the state of Maharashtra.

The workers will be covered in the next three years by a policy worth USD 2.09 million, which came into force on 15 January, when an agreement was signed between the Sugarcane Cutters' Association, the Maharashtra Tajya Sakhar Hakhana Sangh and the insurer, the United India.

The insurance scheme comprises three areas: personal accidents, including a USD 2,090 for accidental death; USD 104 in "hutment" coverage (temporary housing facilities), and death of bullocks for USD 419 a pair. (Hindu Business Line, 21 January 2003).

Mexico: Government to Retain Expropriated Mills

When the Mexican government expropriated 27 mills in September 2001, it offered to rehabilitate them and prepare a new sale by March 2003. The process had encountered several problems, however, and it now appears that the government will maintain control of the mills until 2006.

Local sources said that the main obstacle for the re-privatization appears to be the legal challenges to the expropriation. The outcome of some of the legal suits has favoured the expropriated owners rather than the government, and without a favourable decision, the government cannot sell the mills. In addition, there were changes in the state agency managing the mills, the fund of expropriated enterprises in the sugar sector (FEESA by its Spanish acronym), and there is no clear directive on the rehabilitation and new investments in the mills.

For many Mexicans, the expropriation was ill-designed and had in fact benefited the owners: the government, they said, has assumed the responsibility for investing in the mills, the expropriation freed the previous owners from their multimillion dollar debts and, quite probably, the government would have to return the mills already rehabilitated, if the suits do not favour it.

In related news, the House of Representatives voted on 10 December to keep the 20 percent tax on soft drinks using high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). The tax was introduced on 1 January 2002 to protect the domestic sugar industry from competition by HFCS imported from the United States. The Executive, however, suspended the tax on 5 March the same year. Mexico has one of the largest soft drink markets in the world, consuming between 1.2-1.4 million tonnes of sugar per year. HFCS is a substitute for sugar in this industry. The vote of the House adds to the difficulties of reaching a negotiated solution to the five-year old sugar and sweetener trade dispute between the U.S. and Mexico, in the context of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Poland: Saint Louis Sucre Acquires Largest Sugar Company

Saint Louis Sucre (SLS), the second largest French sugar group, finally cleared obstacles for the acquisition of 95 percent shares of Poland's biggest sugar company, the Slaska Spolka Cukrowa.

Two years ago, the Saint Louis - bought by the German S�dzucker in 2001 - had agreed to acquire Slaska for a 250.5 million zlotys (USD 61.6 million). The Polish government, however, started a lengthy dispute on the basis that the SLS had failed to obtain permits for purchasing land. In March 2003, the courts ruled that there was no legal grounds to bloc the sale and the Treasury approved it. The French group had also agreed to invest 155 million zlotys (USD 38.1 million) to modernize factories and promised to give a 40-month employment guarantee. The remaining 5 percent of Slaska would be transferred to Polski Cukier, a national sugar company created in 2002, but the Saint Louis Sucre has the opportunity to acquire the stake in the future. Slaska comprises 16 beet factories, with a listed capacity of 300,000 tonnes of sugar per year, about one fifth of the national sugar output.

In related news, the German Nordzucker demanded a USD 24.5-million compensation from the Polish government, claiming that the Treasure has not finalised the already-negotiated privatisation of two sugar groups and, instead, has stalled it. Last December, there were reports that these two groups might become part of Polski Cukier. Nordzucker says the government had initially given assurances that it would be allowed to acquire four sugar groups, to boost its participation to 20 percent of the domestic market, up from the current 9 percent.

Pfeifer und Langen, another German company, has requested arbitration in its dispute with the Polish Treasury to change some conditions in the privatisation of the Krajowa Sp�lka Cukrowa, a sugar holding. Pfeifer und Langen wants more time to carry out promised investments in several plants, to change the form of investment from assets to capital increase, and avoid a 6-million euros fine (USD 6.45 million) according to the contract signed in 2001. A spokesperson for the company said that they missed the deadline for investments, because they had been waiting for the changes to the contract to which the Treasury had already agreed.

Cuba: Bracing for a 90-year Low Record Production

In mid March, government sources said that only five of 13 sugar-producing provinces had reached the 100,000-tonne mark, and only one was close to 200,000 tonnes of sugar, in the very difficult crop 2002/03. By this time last year, 11 provinces had surpassed 100,000 tonnes, which six of them reaching more that 200,000 and three close to 300,000 tonnes. And, yet, last year, Cuba struggled to produce 3.61 million tonnes of sugar, one of the lowest levels in the past 50 years. This year, no province has produced 200,000 tonnes yet. Industry sources said that a late start of the harvest because the lack of fuel, parts, and financing is partly to blame.

With these statistics, and the optimum harvest period about to end - by mid April -, local observers said that production could be as low as 2 million tonnes, tel quel, comparable to the early 1910s. The rainy season usually starts in late April-early May, harvest operations become difficult, the quality of cane declines and costs increase. (Because of rains, it is difficult to use machinery in the fields and a high proportion of Cuba's cane is mechanically harvested.) Last September, the government had estimated a production similar to 2001/02 but, in December, when the harvest started, it lowered projections to 2.7 million tonnes.

In 1988/89, Cuba produced 8.1 million tonnes of sugar, but the collapse of the Soviet Union and the loss of markets created an extremely difficult environment for sugar. Analysts said that the decision to restructure the industry (by closing about half of the 156 sugar mills) was correct but the pace of the changes was not. In part, they argued, the restructuring had been delayed for too long, only to be rushed in without preparation. Sources with the Ministry of Sugar said they had suggested in 2002 to phase-in the restructuring in a two- or three-year period, but the government ordered to close the mills at once.

Sugar and Ethanol: Volkswagen's Flex-fuel Engine in Brazil; India's Ethanol Programme

On 24 March, Volkswagen presented to the industry and the press, its new flex-fuel engine powered by either cane-based ethanol or gasoline. The flex-fuel engine was developed over four years and, although still has starting problems in cold weather, Volkswagen thinks it would replace all other engines in the medium term. This could represent 27,000 to 28,000 new vehicles per month, said a Reuters report. The new engine would boost ethanol demand and contribute to consolidate the Brazilian sugar & alcohol complex.

A spokeswoman for Volkswagen said the company is seeking to export the flex-fuel cars to China. Brazil has the expertise to help countries to adapt to the Kyoto protocol on greenhouse emissions, she added. "We have the world at our feet," commented representatives of the Sao Paulo Agroindustry Association (UNICA), on the public presentation of the new flex-fuel car.

In closely related news, Mitsui & Co. from Japan and the Brazilian group Cosan had agreed to set up an ethanol plant for exports to Japan. According to The Japan Times, Mitsui is shipping USD 1.5 million worth of equipment to assemble a pilot plant in Piracicaba (Sao Paulo), next to Cosan's Costa Pinto mill. Initial production is estimated at 2,000 litres per month. Mitsui plans to import from Brazil close to 500 million litres in the second half of 2003. The Japanese government, on the other hand, is studying the blending of 3 to 10 percent ethanol in gasoline for cars.

Meanwhile, the federal government in India introduced a regulation mandating a five percent ethanol-petrol mix. The programme has two phases. In the early part of 2003, four major sugar-producing states (Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh) would sell the blending; and by mid 2003, five more states (Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu) and four territories would follow suit. A second phase will see the blending introduced in the rest of the country. According to the siliconindia.com site, the government estimates ethanol demand at around 320-350 million litres per year in the first phase (the nine states and four territories).

The Indian sugar industry warmly received the news on the ethanol programme. The industry, however, expects a slow start because lack of infrastructure and limited supplies. Only Uttar Pradesh, with 120 million litres, and Maharashtra, with 100 million litres, are reported surplus ethanol producers. Andhra Prasdesh's production is about 60 percent of its ethanol requirements, and Karnataka's about 80 percent of its demand.

Industry sources said that some of the 118 sugar factories with distilleries started to produce ethanol, while most are awaiting the release of funds from the Sugar Development Fund to modernise facilities or set new plants. Oil companies agreed to a 17 rupees per litre (US 36 cents) in the first quarter of 2003, substantially lower than imported ethanol, mostly from Brazil.

European Union: Cuts in Support Prices and Production Quotas Recommended

In the process of reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the European Union commissioned two studies on its sugar regime, one of which has been completed by the European Center for Agricultural, Regional and Environmental Policy Research (EuroCARE), a Bonn-based group. EuroCARE examined several possibilities of reform and adjustments to the sugar industry, and favoured reducing the sugar intervention price - the guaranteed minimum price - by 54 percent, eliminating production quotas, and introducing direct payment to farmers. The reforms would favour consumers, but farmers and processors would see their income reduced. Processors would need to streamline operations, probably closing some facilities, while farmers would receive direct payments. The second study, commissioned to a Dutch university, will look into competition within the sugar industry of the European Union. Results from the study are expected in April. These two studies, in addition to EU's internal reports, will be the basis to reform the sugar regime.

Company News

Germany - Hungary: Nordzucker Closes One Factory, Buys Other Three

Citing overcapacity, Nordzucker, Germany's second largest sugar refiner, announced on 20 March it would close the Scheleswig factory (9,000 tonnes of daily capacity - tdc) by the end of 2003. The company has a European Union quota of 1.15 million tonnes of sugar per year. An analysis of its facilities indicates a 12,000-tdc surplus capacity, which the company attempts to cut. One hundred and twenty-one jobs will be lost.

Meanwhile, the Competition Office in Hungary approved a transaction by which Nordzucker acquired a majority stake in three sugar factories: 51 per cent in the M�travid�ki Cukorgy�r Rt (5,400 tdc) and the Szerencsi Cukorgy�r Rt (6,500 tdc), and 68 percent in the Szolnoki Cukorgy�r Rt (8,000 tdc). These three plants account for 37 percent of the Hungarian sugar production of about 470,000 tonnes per year (against consumption of 370,000 tonnes). A spokesperson for Nordzucker said that the face value of the company's shares in the factories is USD 26.2 million and it would like to buy the remaining stake, now in government hands. (In 2002, the French consortium Origny-Naples, comprising beet farmer cooperatives, acquired the French operations of B�ghin-Say, the previous owner of the three factories. At that time, the consortium said it would sell the Hungarian concerns.)

Ny slovakisk arbetslagstiftning - Slovakiska fackf�rbund n�r vissa framg�ngar (endast p� engelska)


IUF Slovakian affiliates have played their part in a campaign to protect labour laws in that country. The following text was sent out by the IUF' regional organization, EFFAT-IUF, to its affiliates following the efforts of the trade union movement there:

"When the Slovakian government put forward a series of major changes to the Labour Code Act of April 2002 in what was to all intents and purposes a �high-speed procedure�, the trade unions immediately made their views known in clear and unambiguous terms. They objected to the abrupt manner in which the government had bypassed consultation with the social partners before submitting its proposals, and on 26 February the KOZ indicated that it was ready to call a strike.

In parallel to these events, the unions set up a group of experts to look into the government�s proposals. This group now appears to have been successful in its endeavours, as substantial tripartite negotiations have taken place and the results of a series of agreements on a new revision of the Labour Code Act were presented to the government by the Minister of Labour a few days ago.

The most important results achieved by the unions on the government�s first set of proposals are as follows:

 Minimum wages are to be retained.
 The licensing of employment agencies (>temporary agency work) has been set aside for the time being and will be discussed again later with a view to establishing a separate employment law.
 Additional holiday provisions for certain groups of workers (such as those working in hazardous occupations) are to be retained.
 The planned extensions of working hours in 2 and 3 shift operations were dropped, and the 37.5 hour system is to be retained.
 Trade union monitoring of occupational health and safety measures is to be retained.
 Changes to rules on working hours in enterprises will require the agreement of the trade union/works council.
 Notice periods and compensation were revised, but in a form acceptable to the trade unions.

The only outstanding issues to be resolved are the provision of time off for workforce representatives and the division of areas of competence between works councils and trade unions working side by side in enterprises.

Despite the current agreements reached in the tripartite council, the unions are remaining vigilant, as they fear that the employers may try to influence the parliamentary legislative process which will now follow.

The Slovakian trade unions have proved that a rapid, well-founded response by the unions was both possible and successful. They also succeeded in getting the ILO directly involved in the process so that irrelevant provisions could be excluded from the outset.

We must now wait and see whether parliament will abide by the agreements established between the social partners.

Neues slowakisches Arbeitsgesetz - Slowakische Gewerkeschaften k�nnen Erfolg verbuchen


Die slowakischen Mitgliedsverb�nde der IUL spielten ihre Rolle in der Verteidigung der Arbeitsgesetzte ihres Landes. Nach den Bem�hungen der dortigen Arbeiterbewegung wurde folgender Text von der IUL-Regionalorganisation der EFFAT-IUL verschickt.

Nachdem die neue slowakische Regierung quasi im �Hausruck-Verfahren� eine Vielzahl von gravierenden �nderungsvorschl�gen zum AGB vom April 2002 vorgelegt hatte, hatten sich die Gewerkschaften umgehend und deutlich zu Wort gemeldet. Dabei beklagten sie die r�de Art der Vorlage der Regierung jenseits von Konsultationen mit den Sozialpartnern. Die KOZ hatte am 26. Februar Streikbereitschaft signalisiert.

Gleichzeitig bildeten die Gewerkschaften eine Expertegruppe, die sich inhaltlich mit den Vorschl�gen der Regierung auseinander setzte. Die Arbeit dieser Gruppe scheint nun erfolgreich gewesen zu sein, denn es gab substanzielle tripartite Verhandlungen und auch ein gemeinsam getragenes Ergebnis zur erneuten Novellierung des Arbeitsgesetzbuches, das vor wenigen Tagen durch den Arbeitsminister der Regierung vorgelegt wurde.

Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Gewerkschaften hinsichtlich der ersten Regierungsvorlage wurde in den folgenden Bereichen erzielt:

 Beibehaltung von Mindestl�hnen
 Die Zulassung von Arbeitnehmer-�berlassungsagenturen (>Leiharbeit) wurde vorerst ausgeklammert und soll im Rahmen eines eigenen Besch�ftigungsgesetzes neu beraten werden
 Zus�tzliche Urlaubsregelungen f�r bestimmte Arbeitnehmergruppen (z.B. gesundheitssch�dliche Betriebe) bleiben erhalten
 Die geplanten Arbeitszeitverl�ngerungen im 2- und 3-Schicht-Betrieb wurden zur�ckgenommen, es bleibt bei der 37,5-Stunden-Regelung
 Die gewerkschaftliche Kontrolle des Gesundheits- und Arbeitsschutzes bleibt erhalten
 �nderungen von Arbeitszeitregelungen im Betrieb sind nur mit Zustimung der Gewerkschaft/des Betriebsrates m�glich
 K�ndigungsfristen und Abl�sesummen wurden zwar neu bestimmt, k�nnen aber in dieser Form von den Gewerkschaften akzeptiert werden.

Offen bleibt jetzt nur noch die Freistellung der Arbeitnehmervertreter und die Verteilung von Kompetenzen zwischen Betriebsrat und Betriebsgewerkschaft, wenn diese nebeneinander im Betrieb wirken.

Die Gewerkschaften bleiben � trotz der jetzigen Einigung im Tripartiten Rat �aufmerksam, denn sie bef�rchten eine Einflussnahme der Arbeitgeber auf den nun folgenden parlementarischen Prozess der Gesetzgebung.

Die slowakischen Gewerkschaften haben gezeigt, dass eine schnelle, inhaltlich gut fundierte Reaktion der Gewerkschaften m�glich und erfolgreich war. Zudem ist es gelungen, die ILO direkt in den Prozess einzubeziehen, so dass abwegige Regelungen von Beginn an ausgeschlossen werden konnten.

Es bleibt nun abzuwarten, ob sich die Abgeordneten auch an die gefundenen Gemeinsamkeiten der Sozial-, Verhandlungspartner halten.







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Israeli Trade Unions Strike Against Draconian Decrees


The IUF has written to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to protest at a series of decrees issued by the government to slash wages and pensions, cancel collective agreements, increase the retirement age to 67 and put union-managed pension funds under government control. The decrees will lead to further privatization of public services, with thousands of public sector workers facing dismissal.

In response to the call from the Israeli national trade centre, Histadrut, IUF affiliates have joined other Israeli unions in a series of protest and strike action aimed at convincing the government to rescind these decrees. Some 100,000 local authority workers have already been on strike since March 31 and 50,000 government ministry employees have been implementing work bans.

The government's actions, in particular the unilateral cancellation of collective agreements, are a clear violation of fundamental Conventions of the International Labour Organisation, and coupled with a wide range of cutbacks to social security, health and education, will have severe effects on wage earners and those most in need of government assistance.

Accord entre l'UITA et le groupe Shangri-La - Le conflit du Shangri-La Jakarta touche � sa fin


L'UITA et le groupe Shangri-La se sont mis d'accord sur la d�claration publique suivante, qui fait partie de l'accord pass� afin de mettre fin au conflit.

Le Groupe Shangri-La et l'UITA ont conclu, � la satisfaction des parties, une entente afin de mettre fin au conflit entre l'affili�e locale de l'UITA � Djakarta et l'h�tel Shangri-La de Djakarta. Conform�ment aux dispositions de cette entente, toutes les questions en cours ont �t� r�solues, permettant au groupe Shangri-La et � l'UITA d'annoncer conjointement que le conflit � l'h�tel Shangri-La de Djakarta est termin�.

Korea - KCTU President Dan Byung Ho in early release from jail


KCTU President Dan Byung Ho has just been released after more than one year's imprisonment. The KCTU has expressed appreciation for the international solidarity and international campaign supporting his release.

The KCTU goes on to say, "We are convinced that your solidarity and actions played an important role not only in the early release of President Dan, but also in the development of the whole Korean labour movement. "

Dan Byung Ho will take a two-week vacation in order to take a medical examination and recuperate. He will be back to work on the fourth week of April.

For background to this story click on our earlier story here

IUL och Shangri La-gruppen n�r avtal - Shangri La-konflikten


Som en del av den �verenskommelse som n�tts om ett slut p� konflikten har IIUL och Shangri La-gruppen enats om f�ljande officiella uttalande:

Shangri-La-koncernen och IUL har uppn�tt en tillfredsst�llande �verenskommelse om att avsluta konflikten i Jakarta mellan IULs lokala medlemsf�rbund och hotell Shangri-La i Jakarta. I enlighet med denna �verenskommelse har alla �terst�ende fr�gor l�sts, och Shangri-La-koncernen och IUL meddelar gemensamt att konflikten p� hotell Shangri-La i Jakarta �r �ver.

Nouveau Code du Travail en Slovaquie - le mouvement syndical obtient des r�sultats positifs


Les affili�es de l'UITA en Slovaquie ont pris leur part de la campagne engag�e dans leur pays pour prot�ger les lois sociales. La lettre qui suit a �t� envoy�e � ses affili�es par l'organisation r�gionale de l'UITA pour l'Europe, l'EFFAT-UITA � la suite des efforts d�ploy�s par le mouvement syndical en Slovaquie:

Apr�s que le nouveau gouvernement slovaque a pr�sent� suivant une � proc�dure acc�l�r�e � toute une s�rie de propositions d�amendements lourds de cons�quences au code du travail d�avril 2002, les syndicats �taient imm�diatement intervenus pour revendiquer leur message haut et fort. Ils se sont plaints de la mani�re brutale dont le gouvernement les avait pr�sent�es, sans consultation des partenaires sociaux. Le KOZ avait annonc� le 26 f�vrier sa disposition � partir en gr�ve.

Les syndicats ont alors constitu� un groupe d�experts qu�ils ont charg� d�examiner les propositions du gouvernement. Les travaux de ce groupe se sont av�r�s fructueux, car il a men� d�importantes n�gociations tripartites et les aboutissements d�une s�rie d�accords sur une nouvelle refonte du code du travail ont �t� pr�sent�s voici quelques jours auparavant au gouvernement par le ministre de l�Emploi.

Les principales conclusions des syndicats au sujet de la premi�re proposition du gouvernement portent sur les domaines suivants :

 Les salaires minimum doivent �tre maintenus.
 L�autorisation des agences pour l�emploi (> travail temporaire) a �t� suspendue et devra de nouveau �tre d�battue en vue de l��laboration d�une loi pour l�emploi sp�cifique.
 Les dispositions suppl�mentaires en mati�re de cong�s doivent �tre d�finis pour certains groupes de travailleurs (par ex., dans les entreprises qui pr�sentent des conditions nocives pour la sant�).
 Les allongements planifi�s du temps de travail dans les syst�mes � 2 et 3 �quipes sont supprim�s ; le syst�me des 37,5 heures est maintenu.
 Le contr�le par les syndicats des mesures de la sant� et de la s�curit� doit �tre maintenu.
 Les modifications des horaires de travail dans les entreprises ne doivent �tre possibles qu�avec l�accord des syndicats / du comit� d�entreprise.
 Les d�lais de pr�avis et les indemnit�s ont certes �t� red�finis, mais ne peuvent �tre accept�s sous cette forme par les syndicats.

Il ne reste � pr�sent plus qu�� trancher dans les questions de l�exemption des repr�sentants des travailleurs et de la r�partition des comp�tences entre le comit� d�entreprise et les syndicats des entreprises, s�ils op�rent de concert au sein de l�entreprise.

Les syndicats restent vigilants � malgr� l�accord actuel au sein du conseil tripartite �, car ils craignent une prise d�influence des employeurs sur les �tapes suivantes de la proc�dure l�gislative au Parlement.

Les syndicats slovaques ont d�montr� qu�une r�action rapide et solidement argument�e est possible et efficace. Il a en outre �t� possible d�impliquer directement l�OIT dans le processus de sorte que toute r�glementation qui y d�roge puisse �tre exclue d�s le d�part.

Il convient � pr�sent d�observer si les d�put�s s�en tiendront �galement aux accords pass�s entre les partenaires sociaux.

Los sindicatos eslovacos han logrado cierto avance en su resistencia contra los proyectos de debilitamiento de la legislaci�n laboral eslovaca. Lea m�s aqu� (s�lo en ingl�s):


IUF Slovakian affiliates have played their part in a campaign to protect labour laws in that country. The following text was sent out by the IUF' regional organization, EFFAT-IUF, to its affiliates following the efforts of the trade union movement there:

"When the Slovakian government put forward a series of major changes to the Labour Code Act of April 2002 in what was to all intents and purposes a �high-speed procedure�, the trade unions immediately made their views known in clear and unambiguous terms. They objected to the abrupt manner in which the government had bypassed consultation with the social partners before submitting its proposals, and on 26 February the KOZ indicated that it was ready to call a strike.

In parallel to these events, the unions set up a group of experts to look into the government�s proposals. This group now appears to have been successful in its endeavours, as substantial tripartite negotiations have taken place and the results of a series of agreements on a new revision of the Labour Code Act were presented to the government by the Minister of Labour a few days ago.

The most important results achieved by the unions on the government�s first set of proposals are as follows:

 Minimum wages are to be retained.
 The licensing of employment agencies (>temporary agency work) has been set aside for the time being and will be discussed again later with a view to establishing a separate employment law.
 Additional holiday provisions for certain groups of workers (such as those working in hazardous occupations) are to be retained.
 The planned extensions of working hours in 2 and 3 shift operations were dropped, and the 37.5 hour system is to be retained.
 Trade union monitoring of occupational health and safety measures is to be retained.
 Changes to rules on working hours in enterprises will require the agreement of the trade union/works council.
 Notice periods and compensation were revised, but in a form acceptable to the trade unions.

The only outstanding issues to be resolved are the provision of time off for workforce representatives and the division of areas of competence between works councils and trade unions working side by side in enterprises.

Despite the current agreements reached in the tripartite council, the unions are remaining vigilant, as they fear that the employers may try to influence the parliamentary legislative process which will now follow.

The Slovakian trade unions have proved that a rapid, well-founded response by the unions was both possible and successful. They also succeeded in getting the ILO directly involved in the process so that irrelevant provisions could be excluded from the outset.

We must now wait and see whether parliament will abide by the agreements established between the social partners.

El Grupo Shangri-La y la UITA han llegado a un acuerdo satisfactorio para finalizar el conflicto entre la afiliada local de la UITA en Yakarta y el Hotel Shangri-La, Yakarta (actuelemente s�lo en ingl�s)


As part of the settlement reached to end the conflict the IUF and the Shangri-La Group have agreed the following public statement.

"The Shangri-La Group and the IUF have reached a satisfactory agreement to end the conflict in Jakarta between the IUF's local affiliate and the Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta. Pursuant to the said agreement, all outstanding issues have been resolved and the Shangri-La Group and the IUF jointly announce that the conflict at the Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta is at an end."

Zimbabwe: V�ldet och hoten mot lantarbetare, deras barn och deras fackf�rening, GAPWUZ, �kade under den senaste veckan i samband med den framg�ngsrika generalstrejken (endast p� engelska)


Violence and intimidation against officers and members of the IUF-affiliated General Agriculture and Plantation Workers' Union of Zimbabwe (GAPWUZ) is intensifying in the aftermath of the successful two-day general strike which ended March 19. Since the strike began, Amnesty International reports the arrest of some 400 opposition supporters. At least one farm worker was killed after reportedly being beaten by state agents and there are widespread reports of torture and beatings. According to Amnesty, the "alarming escalation" in political violence showed that the authorities were "determined to suppress dissent by whatever means necessary, regardless of the terrible consequences".

GAPWUZ and its members have been among the main targets of violence and intimidation in the countryside, where the Mugabe government's phoney "land reform" has driven thousands of agricultural wage workers off the land and stripped them of their livelihood and their rights.

In a message we received from the union on March 26, GAPWUZ reports that on March 19, their Chinhoyi district office was burnt to the ground along with all its records. Since then, the following acts of violence and destruction have occurred:
GAPWUZ has requested the IUF to publicize these acts as widely as possible and to request affiliates to act to put mobilize international pressure on the Mugabe regime to immediately halt this campaign of violence and intimidation.

The IUF has written President Mugabe to inform him the IUF holds his government directly responsible for the safety and well being of GAPWUZ members and officers, and that we consider the government legally and financially liable for any damage to union property. We kindly request, as a matter of urgency, that you therefore ask you to publicize these events as widely as possible and that you to show solidarity with GAPWUZ and Zimbabwe's rural workers by writing to President Mugabe. A sample message is attached with this circular. follows below. Kindly send copies of any messages you might send to the IUF secretariat. We thank you in advance for your support and solidarity.

Sample Message

To: Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe
Fax: + 263 4 70 85 40/70 88 20 /70 85 57

Mr. President,

I have been informed by the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF) that numerous acts of violence and intimidation have been committed against the General Agriculture and Plantation Workers' Union of Zimbabwe (GAPWUZ). On March 19, the GAPWUZ Chinhoyi district office was burnt to the ground along with all its records. Since then, the following acts of violence and destruction have occurred:
Since in all these cases government forces or supporters were involved, your government will be held responsible for these crimes. Your government will also be held directly responsible for the safety and well being of GAPWUZ members and officers, and will considered to be legally and financially liable for any damage to union property. I call upon your government to immediately cease all attacks on GAPWUZ members, officers and property. I will continue to closely follow developments in this regard.


BAT and Burma: Why the Burma Boycott Should Continue


The Burmese military dictatorship has tended to slip from public scrutiny recently, and the generals are using the respite to try to regain lost economic and political ground. This cannot be allowed to happen, as the reasons for the international campaign to boycott tourism and foreign investment remain as valid as ever.

The military junta continues to rule by repression, torture, rape and murder. Children and adults are routinely conscripted to labour for the army and on infrastructure projects. The "dialogue" between the generals and the National League for Democracy, whose leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was released from house arrest last year, is going nowhere (if it is in fact taking place). In this situation, foreign investment and the hard currency which tourism brings inevitably finance and strengthen the apparatus of repression.

The National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma, representing the parliament elected by a huge majority of voters in 1990 but forced underground by the military coup, continues to call for an end to foreign investment in the country pending democratic civilian rule. So too does the underground trade union movement organized in the Federation of Trade Unions of Burma (FTUB).

Suu Kyi's release changes nothing in this regard, as she has repeatedly affirmed. But the charade of dialogue has opened the door to slippage by some governments formally committed to sanctioning the Burmese military. Thus it happened, for example, that the European Union, in violation of its own visa ban, hosted Burma's Deputy Foreign Minister at a recent Brussels ministerial meeting between the EU and representatives of ASEAN countries. European and international unions therefore joined with pro-democracy groups in a demonstration against the visit in a show of support for Burmese democracy.

Some 300 transnational companies are active in Burma, in direct or indirect partnership with the military (the list is available on the
ICFTU web site). The IUF campaigned persistently for PepsiCo and the French-based Accor hotel group to disinvest. We will be stepping up the pressure on British-American Tobacco (BAT), the last significant TNC in our sectors to profit from repression in Burma. We support the tourism boycott.

The Burma boycott derives its legitimacy, its strength and its strategic purpose from its source: the Burmese people's sustained struggle for democracy. Solidarity obliges us to do all we can to ensure its effectiveness.

Corea: Reci�n ha sido liberado el Presidente de KCTU, Dan Byung Ho, luego de m�s de un a�o en prisi�n. Lean m�s aqu� (s�lo en ingl�s)


KCTU President Dan Byung Ho has just been released after more than one year's imprisonment. The KCTU has expressed appreciation for the international solidarity and international campaign supporting his release.

The KCTU goes on to say, "We are convinced that your solidarity and actions played an important role not only in the early release of President Dan, but also in the development of the whole Korean labour movement. "

Dan Byung Ho will take a two-week vacation in order to take a medical examination and recuperate. He will be back to work on the fourth week of April.

For background to this story click
on our earlier story here

IULs israeliska medlemsf�rbund deltar i nationella protester och strejkaktioner mot Sharon-regeringens politik. F�r ytterligare information se denna sida (endast p� engelska)


The IUF has written to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to protest at a series of decrees issued by the government to slash wages and pensions, cancel collective agreements, increase the retirement age to 67 and put union-managed pension funds under government control. The decrees will lead to further privatization of public services, with thousands of public sector workers facing dismissal.

In response to the call from the Israeli national trade centre, Histadrut, IUF affiliates have joined other Israeli unions in a series of protest and strike action aimed at convincing the government to rescind these decrees. Some 100,000 local authority workers have already been on strike since March 31 and 50,000 government ministry employees have been implementing work bans.

The government's actions, in particular the unilateral cancellation of collective agreements, are a clear violation of fundamental Conventions of the International Labour Organisation, and coupled with a wide range of cutbacks to social security, health and education, will have severe effects on wage earners and those most in need of government assistance.






Security Restored to SINTRAINAGRO Leader in Colombia


In January, the IUF called for international action when Guillermo Rivera, Vice-President of the Colombian rural workers union SINTRAINAGRO, was suddenly deprived of the security measures which the state had previously provided. The withdrawal of bodyguards placed Rivera in greatly heightened danger in view of the history of violence against the union, which has had over 400 leaders and members murdered since 1989. The government justified the withdrawal of basic protection by stating that it was the job of the unions, not the authorities, to provide security for their leaders.

We are now able to report that Rivera has had his protection restored, including bodyguards, and that he is again able to travel with at least this degree of security in the dangerous rural areas and banana zones of Colombia in order to carry out his union duties.

SINTAINAGRO believes that the international attention to this situation and the protest messages to the Colombian government played a significant role in reversing the government's January decision to deprive union leaders of protection.

The IUF continues to closely monitor the situation in Colombia of trade unionists generally and our affiliates in particular, as there has been no let up in the level of violence.

Sicherheitsvorkehrungen f�r SINTRAINAGRO F�hrung in Kolumbien wiederhergestellt


Im Januar Unterrichtete die IUL, dass die zuvor getroffenen staatlichen Sicherheitsma�nahmen f�r Guillermo Rivera, den Vizepr�sidenten der kolumbianischen Landarbeitergewerkschaft SINTRAINAGRO, aufgehoben worden waren. Angesichts der langen Reihe von Gewalttaten gegen die Gewerkschaft, die seit 1989 mehr als 400 Mordopfer unter ihren F�hrungskr�ften und Mitgliedern zu beklagen hatte, bedeutete der pl�tzliche R�ckruf seiner Leibw�chter f�r Rivera eine drastisch versch�rfte Gefahrensituation. Die Regierung gab als Begr�ndung dieses R�ckzugs an, dass es Aufgabe der Gewerkschaften selbst und nicht der Beh�rden sei, ihre Mitglieder zu besch�tzen.

Wir k�nnen aber jetzt berichten, dass die Schutzvorkehrungen von Rivera, einschlie�lich der Bereitstellung von Leibw�chtern, erneuert worden sind und dass er wieder in der Lage ist, mindestens mit diesem Ma� an Sicherheit in den gef�hrlichen l�ndlichen Bereichen und Bananengebieten Kolumbiens zu reisen, um seinen Gewerkschaftspflichten nachzukommen.

SINTRAINAGRO glaubt, dass die internationale Beachtung, die dieser Fall gefunden hat, und die Protestbotschaften an die kolumbianische Regierung wesentlich dazu begetragen haben, den Beschluss der Regierung vom Januar, die Schutzma�nahmen f�r Gewerkschaftsf�hrer aufzuheben, r�ckg�ngig zu machen.

Die IUL verfolgt auch weiterhin genau die Lage der Gewerkschaften und unserer Mitgliedsverb�nde in Kolumbien, da das Ausma� an Gewalt in keiner Weise zur�ckgegangen ist.

S�curit� r�tablie pour le dirigeant de SINTRAINAGRO en Colombie


En janvier, l'UITA avait lanc� un appel � une action internationale lorsque Guillermo Rivera, vice-pr�sident du syndicat des travailleurs/euse ruraux/ales de Colombie SINTRAINAGRO, s'�tait soudainement vu priv� des mesures de s�curit� qui lui �taient fournies par le gouvernement. Le retrait des gardes du corps a plac� Rivera devant un degr� de danger tr�s �lev�, compte tenu des ant�c�dents de violence � l'endroit du syndicat, dont plus de 400 dirigeants et membres ont �t� assassin�es depuis 1989. Le gouvernement a justifi� le retrait de cette protection basique en disant qu'il �tait du ressort des syndicats, et non des autorit�s, de garantir la s�curit� de leur dirigeants.

Nous sommes maintenant en mesure de signaler que la protection de M. Rivera a �t� r�tablie, y compris les gardes du corps, et qu�il est de nouveau en mesure de se d�placer avec au moins cette s�curit� dans les r�gions rurales et les zones de bananeraies dangereuses de Colombie afin de mener � bien ses activit�s syndicales.

SINTRAINAGRO consid�re que l�attention internationale suscit�e par la situation et les lettres de protestation exp�di�es au gouvernement colombien ont jou� un r�le important dans le renversement de la d�cision qu'il avait prise en janvier dernier de cesser d�assurer la protection des directions syndicales.

L�UITA continue de surveiller de pr�s la situation des syndicalistes en g�n�ral et de nos affili�es en particulier en Colombie, le niveau de violence n�ayant pas diminu� dans le pays.
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