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Radnici pakistanskog hotela Pearl Continental nastavljaju borbu za sindikalna prava


Borba za sindikalna prava u hotelu Pearl Continental u Karachiju u�la je 9. studenog 2004. u �etvrtu godinu. Sindikat je tada odr�ao sastanke i prosvjede kako bi se obilje�io dan na koji je vi�e od 300 radnika uprava hotela otpustila preko oglasa objavljenog u lokalnim novinama.

Sukob je po�eo u rujnu 2001. godine, kada je uprava hotela objavila da �e zbog pada rezervacija otpustiti sve radnike zaposlene na odre�eno vrijeme te �e smanjiti jedan dan pla�enog rada tjedno stalnom osoblju. Sindikat je pozvao na pregovore, ali je uprava ignorirala zahtjev. Otpusno pismo objavljeno je u dnevnim novinama 8. studenog, a radnicima je zabranjen ulaz u hotel kad su idu�i dan do�li na posao.

�to je po�elo kao sindikalna kampanja za obranu prava privremeno zaposlenih radnika hotela eskaliralo je brzo u sveop�i napad uprave na egzistenciju sindikata te opstanak i fizi�ku sigurnost njegovih �lanova i vodstva. Djelatnici sindikata pro�li su kroz ilegalna zatvaranja i batine tijekom pritvora. Zajedno su s brojnim �lanovima sindikata otpu�teni zbog navodnog restrukturiranja.

U lipnju 2003., odgovaraju�i na prigovor koji je podnio IUF u ime sindikata Pearl Continentala, Odbor za slobodu udru�ivanja MOR-a zatra�io je od vlade Pakistana da (izme�u ostalih mjera) uputi relevantne institucije za radni�tvo da hitno provedu detaljno istra�ivanje anti-sindikalnih otpu�tanja u hotelu Pearl Continental u Karachiju, te ukoliko prona�u da je bilo anti-sindikalne diskriminacije, da osiguraju da se ti radnici vrate na svoja radna mjesta, bez gubitka pla�e. Nadalje, od Vlade tra�e da inicira susrete uprave hotela i sindikata s ciljem izbjegavanja kr�enja sindikalnih prava u budu�nosti. Odbor je zaklju�io da su uprava hotela i lokalne vlasti ozbiljno prekr�ili sindikalna prava, te su uputile vladu da u potpunosti istra�i incidente zadr�avanja u pritvoru, nasilja policije i prijetnji sindikalnim �lanovima, te su zatra�ile da vlada o tome podnese izvje��e MOR-u.

Radnici i njihov sindikat odlu�no ustraju u svojoj borbi te trebaju va�u kontinuiranu podr�ku! Aktivno nastavljaju s demonstracijama, kampanjama i odr�avanjem podr�ke radnika u hotelu, kao i izvan njega. Slijede�i prosvjed predvi�en je za 6. sije�nja 2005. kojim �e se obilje�iti uhi�enja sindikalnih vo�a 2002. godine.

�to mo�ete u�initi

Do sada je vlada ignorirala preporuke MOR-a. Potreban je novi pritisak na vladu Pakistana da intervenira glede rje�enja sukoba tako da se po�tuju sindikalna prava. Mo�ete pomo�i tako �to �ete poslati pismo vlastima Pakistana.

Primjerak poruke premijeru Pakistana

Za: Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Premijer Pakistana
Faks: +92-51-9204632
g-din Pervez Musharaf, predsjednik Islamske republike Pakistana
Fax: +92-51-9272810
E-mail: [email protected]

Glavni ministar, Vlada Sindha
Faks: +92-21-9202000

Glavni mened�er, Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi, Pakistan
Faks: +92-21-568 1835/568 2655
E-mail: [email protected]

Predmet: ozbiljna kr�enja demokratskih prava u hotelu Pearl Continental u Karachiju

�tovani gospodine Premijeru,

IUF, me�unarodni sindikalni savez koji predstavlja preko 12 milijuna �lanova u 126 zemalja, obavijestio nas je o opetovanim i ozbiljnim kr�enjima osnovnih demokratskih prava u hotelu Pearl Continental u Karachiju.

Od rujna 2001. godine, demokratski izabran sindikat, koji predstavlja veliku ve�inu djelatnika hotela, poku�ava obraniti sindikalna prava radnika koja su zajam�ena pakistanskim ustavom i me�unarodnim Konvencijama. �lanovi i djelatnici Sindikata radnika hotela Pearl Continental brutalno su otpu�teni sa svojih radnih mjesta, policija ih je ilegalno pritvorila, prijetilo im se nasiljem, te su ih tukli u lokalnoj policijskoj postaji u prisustvu osoblja uprave hotela. U niti jednom trenutku tijekom tih doga�aja nije bilo nikakve naznake da se primjenjuju zakoni, koji u principu postoje kako bi �titili pakistanske radnike, ili da se primjenjuje princip jednakosti pred zakonom.

S obzirom da su se ta kr�enja odvijala u kooperaciji i kolaboraciji s pakistanskom policijom i lokalnim vlastima, te su time to kr�enja nacionalnog zakona i me�unarodnih Konvencija Ujedinjenih Naroda, sada �e se tu�iti vlada Pakistana kod Me�unarodne organizacije rada, koja je dio sustava Ujedinjenih Naroda, pod brojem 2169. U lipnju 2003., Odbor za slobodu udru�ivanja MOR-a zaklju�io je da su uprava hotela, lokalna policija i vlasti izvr�ili ozbiljna kr�enja sindikalnih prava, te su od vlade zatra�ili da u potpunosti istra�i incidente policijskog zatvaranja, nasilja i prijetnji �lanovima sindikata te da o tome podnese izvje��e MOR-u. Do danas, va�a vlada nije odgovorila na te preporuke MOR-a.

Napominjemo da je u interesu Pakistana da osigura brzo rje�avanje ovog problema na osnovu po�tivanja me�unarodnih Konvencija koje je potpisala i va�a vlada. Stoga bismo od vas zatra�ili da upotrijebite sve svoje mogu�nosti kako biste intervenirali kod uprave i vlasnika hotela Pearl Continental da se osigura potpuno po�tivanje prava Sindikata radnika hotela Pearl Continental, te da uprava prekine nasilja i zastra�ivanja usmjerena prema djelatnicima ove tvrtke i njihovog sindikata. Nadalje, zahtijevamo da se pokrene potpuna, nepristrana i transparentna istraga o�itih prekr�aja policije i zakona u vezi s ilegalnom agresijom uprave protiv Sindikata radnika hotela Pearl Continental.
Sa �tovanjem,

Molimo vas po�aljite IUF-ovom sekretarijatu kopije svih poruka koje �ete poslati. Mi �emo ih proslijediti Sindikatu radnika hotela Pearl Continental.

Unaprijed vam se zahvaljujemo na solidarnoj podr�ci.

Poruka na engleskom

To: Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali.
Prime Minister of Pakistan
Fax: +92 51 9204632

with copies to

Mr. Pervez Musharaf, President & Chief Executive Of the Islamic Republic Of Pakistan
Fax: 92-51-9272810
E-mail: [email protected]

Chief Minister, Government of Sindh
Fax: + 92 21 9202000

General Manager, Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi, Pakistan
Fax: + 92 21 568 1835/568 2655
E-mail: [email protected]

Concerns: grave violations of democratic rights at the Karachi Pearl Continental Hotel

Dear Mr. Prime Minister

I have been informed by the IUF, an international trade union federation representing over 12 million members in 126 countries, about repeated and serious violations of basic democratic rights at Karachi's Pearl Continental Hotel.

Since September 2001, the democratically elected trade union representing the overwhelming majority of hotel employees has been seeking to defend the trade union rights guaranteed workers under Pakistan's constitution and international Conventions. Members and office-bearers of the Pearl Continental Hotel Workers' Union have been brutally dismissed from their jobs, detained illegally by police, threatened with violence and beaten at a local police station in the presence of hotel management staff. At no time during these events has there been any indication that the laws which exist in principle to protect Pakistan's workers are being enforced, or that the principle of equal justice before the law is being applied.

Since these abuses took place with the cooperation and collaboration of the Pakistani police and local government authorities, in gross violation of both national law and international Conventions of the United Nations, the government of Pakistan is now the object of a complaint filed with the International Labour Organization, part of the United Nations system, Case No. 2169. In June 2003, the Committee on Freedom of Association of the ILO concluded that grave violations of trade union rights had indeed been committed by the hotel management and local police and government authorities, instructed the government to fully investigate the incidents of police detention, violence and harassment of union members and requested that the government report back to the ILO. To date, your government has not responded to the ILO recommendations.

We suggest that it is in Pakistan's interest to ensure that this issue is resolved quickly on the basis of respect for international Conventions to which your government is a signatory. We would therefore ask that you use your good offices to intervene with the management and owner of the Pearl Continental Hotel to ensure that the rights of the Pearl Continental Hotel Workers' Union are fully respected and that management cease all violence and intimidation directed against the employees of this establishment and their trade union. We further request that a full, impartial and transparent inquiry be convened to investigate flagrant abuses of police and judicial power in connection with management's illegal aggression against the Pearl Continental Hotel Workers' Union.

Yours sincerely,

I dipendenti dell�Hotel Pearl Continental (Pakistan) continuano a lottare per i diritti sindacali



La battaglia per i diritti sindacali al lussuoso Hotel Pearl Continental di Karachi � entrata nel suo 4� anno il 9 novembre 2004, con riunioni e raduni organizzati dal sindacato per ricordare il giorno in cui oltre 300 lavoratori furono licenziati dalla direzione tramite pubblicazione dell�annuncio su un quotidiano locale.

La vertenza cominci� in settembre 2001, quando la direzione annunci� che, dato il calo delle prenotazioni, avrebbe licenziato tutti i lavoratori avventizi e soppresso una giornata pagata per settimana al personale fisso. Il sindacato chiese di negoziare, ma la direzione ignor� la richiesta. La lettera di licenziamento fu pubblicata su un quotidiano locale l�8 novembre ed i dipendenti che si presentarono al lavoro l�indomani si videro rifiutare l�accesso all�albergo.

Quella che cominci� come una campagna sindacale in difesa dei diritti dei lavoratori alberghieri avventizi, si trasform� presto in un attacco massiccio dalla parte della direzione contro l�esistenza del sindacato e il benessere e la sicurezza fisici dei suoi membri e responsabili. Responsabili sindacali hanno sub�to detenzioni illegali, sono stati picchiati in prigione e, come numerosi altri membri del sindacato, sono stati licenziati a causa di pretese ristrutturazioni.

Membri del sindacato Pearl Continental e le loro famiglie manifestano nel �Eid Day�, giorno festivo per la fine del Ramadan, il 14 novembre 2004. Con loro si trovano rappresentanti di altri sindacati, federazioni ed organizzazioni di difesa dei diritti umani che esprimono la loro solidariet� al sindacato dell�albergo.

In giugno 2003, in seguito ad una denuncia presentata dall�UITA a nome del sindacato del Pearl Continental, la Commissione dell�OIL sulla libert� sindacale chiese al Governo pakistano, tra le varie misure, di ordinare alle autorit� competenti in materia di lavoro di avviare un�inchiesta approfondita sui licenziamenti anti-sindacato presso l�Hotel Pearl Continental di Karachi e, se fosse apparsa una discriminazione contro i sindacati, di garantire che i lavoratori in questione sarebbero stati riassunti, senza perdita di salario. Chiese anche al Governo di avviare incontri tra la direzione dell�albergo ed il sindacato, allo scopo di evitare ulteriori violazioni di diritti sindacali. La Commissione giunse alla conclusione che la direzione dell�albergo e le autorit� locali avevano commesso gravi violazioni dei diritti sindacali; chiese al Governo di procedere ad un�inchiesta approfondita sulla detenzione da parte della polizia e sulle violenze e maltrattamenti di sindacalisti; e chiese al Governo di riferirne il risultato all�OIL.

I lavoratori ed il loro sindacato sono decisi a battersi ed hanno bisogno della vostra solidariet�! Continuano a manifestare attivamente, a far campagna ed ad aiutarsi tra loro sia dall�interno dell�albergo come da fuori. Il prossimo raduno di protesta � previsto per il 6 gennaio 2005 per ricordare l�arresto di leader sindacali nel 2002.

Cosa potete fare

Finora il Governo ha ignorato le raccomandazioni dell�OIL, quindi bisogna esercitare ulteriori pressioni sul Governo pakistano affinch� intervenga per risolvere questa vertenza nel rispetto dei diritti sindacali. Potete aiutare inviando un messaggio alle autorit� pakistane.

Esempio di messaggio al Primo ministro del Pakistan

To: Mr Shaukat Aziz
Prime Minister of Pakistan
Fax: +92 51 922 28 03

con copie a

Mr Pervez Musharaf, Presidente della Repubblica islamica del Pakistan
Fax: +92 51 922 48 36
E-mail: [email protected]

Chief Minister, Governo di Singh
Fax: +92 21 9202000

General Manager, Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi, Pakistan
Fax: +92 21 568 1835 / 568 2655
E-mail: [email protected]

Concerns: grave violations of democratic rights at the Karachi Pearl Continental Hotel

Dear Mr. Prime Minister

I have been informed by the IUF, an international trade union federation representing over 12 million members in 126 countries, about repeated and serious violations of basic democratic rights at Karachi's Pearl Continental Hotel.

Since September 2001, the democratically elected trade union representing the overwhelming majority of hotel employees has been seeking to defend the trade union rights guaranteed workers under Pakistan's constitution and international Conventions. Members and office-bearers of the Pearl Continental Hotel Workers' Union have been brutally dismissed from their jobs, detained illegally by police, threatened with violence and beaten at a local police station in the presence of hotel management staff. At no time during these events has there been any indication that the laws which exist in principle to protect Pakistan's workers are being enforced, or that the principle of equal justice before the law is being applied.

Since these abuses took place with the cooperation and collaboration of the Pakistani police and local government authorities, in gross violation of both national law and international Conventions of the United Nations, the government of Pakistan is now the object of a complaint filed with the International Labour Organization, part of the United Nations system, Case No. 2169. In June 2003, the Committee on Freedom of Association of the ILO concluded that grave violations of trade union rights had indeed been committed by the hotel management and local police and government authorities, instructed the government to fully investigate the incidents of police detention, violence and harassment of union members and requested that the government report back to the ILO. To date, your government has not responded to the ILO recommendations.

We suggest that it is in Pakistan's interest to ensure that this issue is resolved quickly on the basis of respect for international Conventions to which your government is a signatory. We would therefore ask that you use your good offices to intervene with the management and owner of the Pearl Continental Hotel to ensure that the rights of the Pearl Continental Hotel Workers' Union are fully respected and that management cease all violence and intimidation directed against the employees of this establishment and their trade union. We further request that a full, impartial and transparent inquiry be convened to investigate flagrant abuses of police and judicial power in connection with management's illegal aggression against the Pearl Continental Hotel Workers' Union.

Yours sincerely,


Oggetto: Gravi violazioni di diritti democratici al Karachi Pearl Continental Hotel


Abbiamo ricevuto informazioni dall�UITA, una federazione sindacale internazionale che rappresenta oltre 12 milioni di membri in 126 paesi, relative a ripetute e gravi violazioni dei pi� fondamentali diritti democratici al Karachi Pearl Continental Hotel.

Da settembre 2001, il sindacato eletto democraticamente per rappresentare la stragrande maggioranza dei lavoratori alberghieri cerca di difendere i diritti sindacali sanciti dalla Costituzione del Pakistan e dalle Convenzioni internazionali. Membri e responsabili del sindacato dei lavoratori dell�Hotel Pearl Continental sono stati brutalmente licenziati, detenuti illegalmente dalla polizia, minacciati di violenza e malmenati nei locali della polizia in presenza di rappresentanti della direzione dell�albergo. Durante questi avvenimenti, le leggi esistenti, che dovrebbero tutelare i lavoratori del Pakistan, sono state continuamente e palesemente ignorate ed il principio di equit� di fronte alla legge non � mai stato applicato.

Dato che tali abusi sono avvenuti con la cooperazione della polizia pakistana e delle autorit� governative locali, in grave violazione sia delle leggi del paese che delle Convenzioni internazionali delle Nazioni Unite, il Governo del Pakistan � oggi oggetto di ufficiale denuncia presentata all�Organizzazione internazionale del lavoro, che � parte del sistema delle Nazioni Unite, causa No. 2169. In giugno 2003, la Commissione dell�OIL sulla libert� di associazione giunse alla conclusione che gravi violazioni dei diritti sindacali erano state effettivamente commesse da parte della direzione dell�albergo, della polizia locale e delle autorit� governative. Essa chiese al Governo di effettuare un�inchiesta approfondita sui casi di detenzione, violenza e maltrattamenti da parte della polizia di membri del sindacato e di render conto in merito all�OIL. Il Suo governo non ha tuttora risposto alle raccomandazioni dell�OIL.

Riteniamo che sia nell�interesse del Pakistan di garantire una rapida soluzione di questo problema sulla base del rispetto delle Convenzioni internazionali che il Suo Governo ha firmato. Le chiediamo quindi d�intervenire, con i suoi buoni uffici, presso la direzione e la propriet� del Pearl Continental Hotel al fine di garantire che i diritti del sindacato dei lavoratori del Pearl Continental Hotel siano debitamente rispettati e che la direzione cessi ogni violenza ed intimidazione contro i propri dipendenti ed il loro sindacato. Chiediamo altres� che sia avviata un�inchiesta approfondita, imparziale e trasparente per esaminare gli abusi flagranti della polizia e dei poteri giudiziari in relazione all�aggressione illegale da parte della direzione contro il sindacato dei lavoratori del Pearl Continental Hotel.

Si prega di inviare copia di qualsiasi messaggio anche alla segreteria dell�UITA, che la trasmetter� al sindacato dei lavoratori del Pearl Continental Hotel.

Ringraziamo anticipatamente per la vostra solidariet�.

Arbeitnehmer des Pearl Continental in Pakistan setzen ihren Kampf um Gewerkschaftsrechte fort



Der Kampf um Gewerkschaftsrechte im Luxushotel Pearl Continental in Karachi ist am 9. November 2004 in das vierte Jahr eingetreten. Die Gewerkschaft organisierte an dem Tag, der sich dadurch auszeichnet, dass die Hotelleitung �ber 300 Arbeitnehmer entlie� und dies in einer Anzeige in einer lokalen Tageszeitung ver�ffentlichte, Versammlungen und Kundgebungen.

Der Konflikt begann im September 2001, als die Hotelleitung ank�ndigte, sie werde wegen eines R�ckgangs der Buchungen s�mtliche Gelegenheits- und Zeitarbeitnehmer entlassen und f�r die st�ndig besch�ftigten Arbeitnehmer einen bezahlten Arbeitstag pro Woche streichen. Die Gewerkschaft forderte Verhandlungen, aber die Hotelleitung ging auf diese Forderung nicht ein. Das Entlassungsschreiben wurde am 8. November in einer Tageszeitung ver�ffentlicht, und die Arbeitnehmer wurden am Betreten des Hotels gehindert, als sie am n�chsten Tag zur Arbeit erschienen.

Was als eine Gewerkschaftskampagne zur Verteidigung der Rechte im Hotel besch�ftigter Gelegenheitsarbeitnehmer begann, eskalierte rasch zu einem Gro�angriff der Hotelleitung gegen die Gewerkschaft und das k�rperliche Wohl und die Sicherheit ihrer Mitglieder und Beauftragten. Gewerkschaftsfunktion�re wurden illegal festgenommen und w�hrend ihrer Haftzeit geschlagen. Sie wurden zusammen mit anderen Gewerkschaftsmitgliedern aufgrund von angeblichen Umstrukturierungen entlassen.

Am 14. November 2004, dem Eid Day (Ende Ramadan), demonstrieren Mitglieder der Gewerkschaft des Pearl Continental zusammen mit ihren Familien. Vertreter von anderen Gewerkschaften, Verb�nden und Arbeits- und Menschenrechtsorganisationen schlossen sich ihnen an, um der Hotelgewerkschaft ihre Solidarit�t und Unterst�tzung kundzugeben.

Im Juni 2003 hat der IAO-Ausschuss f�r Vereinigungsfreiheit aufgrund einer von der IUL im Namen der Pearl Continental Gewerkschaft eingereichten Klage die Regierung Pakistans aufgefordert, (unter anderem) die zust�ndigen Arbeitsbeh�rden anzuweisen, umgehend eine eingehende Untersuchung der gewerkschaftsfeindlichen Entlassungen im Pearl Continental Hotel in Karachi durchzuf�hren und f�r den Fall, dass dabei gewerkschaftsfeindliche Diskriminierungen festgestellt werden, zu gew�hrleisten, dass die betroffenen Arbeitnehmer ohne Lohneinbu�e wieder an ihren Arbeitspl�tzen besch�ftigt werden. Der Ausschuss forderte die Regierung ferner auf, Begegnungen zwischen der Hotelleitung und der Gewerkschaft zu veranlassen, um k�nftige Verletzungen der Gewerkschaftsrechte zu verhindern. Der Ausschuss kam zu dem Schluss, dass die Hotelleitung und die lokalen Beh�rden in gravierender Weise Gewerkschaftsrechte verletzt hatten, und wies die Regierung an, die Vorf�lle der Inhaftierung von Gewerkschaftsmitgliedern durch die Polizei sowie die Gewaltt�tigkeiten und Schikanen gegen Gewerkschaftsmitglieder in vollem Umfang zu untersuchen und der IAO �ber die Untersuchungsergebnisse zu berichten.

Die Arbeitnehmer und ihre Gewerkschaft sind zum Kampf entschlossen, und sie brauchen eure kontinuierliche Unterst�tzung! Sie fahren mit Demonstrationen, Kampagnen und der Fortsetzung der Unterst�tzung der Arbeitnehmer sowohl innerhalb als auch au�erhalb des Hotels fort. Die n�chste Kundgebung wird am 6. Januar 2005 stattfinden, der im Zeichen der Verhaftung von Gewerkschaftsf�hrern in 2002 steht.

Was ihr tun k�nnt

Bisher hat die Regierung nicht auf die Empfehlungen der IAO reagiert. Deshalb ist erneuter Druck auf die Regierung Pakistans erforderlich, damit sie sich f�r eine L�sung des Konflikts auf der Grundlage der Einhaltung der Gewerkschaftsrechte einsetzt. Ihr k�nnt dazu beitragen, indem ihr eine Botschaft an die pakistanischen Beh�rden richtet.

Musterbotschaft an den Premierminister Pakistans

An: Mr. Shaukat Aziz
Prime Minister of Pakistan
Fax: +92 51 922 28 03

mit Kopien an

Herrn Pervez Musharaf, Pr�sident & Chef Exekutive Of the Islamic Republic Of Pakistan
Fax: +92 51 922 48 36
E-Mail: [email protected]

Chief Minister, Government of Sindh
Fax:+92 21 920 2000

General Manager, Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi, Pakistan
Fax: +92 21 568 1835/568 2655
E-Mail: [email protected]

Concerns: grave violations of democratic rights at the Karachi Pearl Continental Hotel

Dear Mr. Prime Minister

I have been informed by the IUF, an international trade union federation representing over 12 million members in 126 countries, about repeated and serious violations of basic democratic rights at Karachi's Pearl Continental Hotel.

Since September 2001, the democratically elected trade union representing the overwhelming majority of hotel employees has been seeking to defend the trade union rights guaranteed workers under Pakistan's constitution and international Conventions. Members and office-bearers of the Pearl Continental Hotel Workers' Union have been brutally dismissed from their jobs, detained illegally by police, threatened with violence and,beaten at a local police station in the presence of hotel management staff. At no time during these events has there been any indication that the laws which exist in principle to protect Pakistan's workers are being enforced, or that the principle of equal justice before the law is being applied.

Since these abuses took place with the cooperation and collaboration of the Pakistani police and local government authorities, in gross violation of both national law and international Conventions of the United Nations, the government of Pakistan is now the object of a complaint filed with the International Labour Organization, part of the United Nations system, Case No. 2169. In June 2003, the Committee on Freedom of Association of the ILO concluded that grave violations of trade union rights had indeed been committed by the hotel management and local police and government authorities, instructed the government to fully investigate the incidents of police detention, violence and harassment of union members and requested that the government report back to the ILO. To date, your government has not responded to the ILO recommendations.

We suggest that it is in Pakistan's interest to ensure that this issue is resolved quickly on the basis of respect for international Conventions to which your government is a signatory. We would therefore ask that you use your good offices to intervene with the management and owner of the Pearl Continental Hotel to ensure that the rights of the Pearl Continental Hotel Workers' Union are fully respected and that management cease all violence and intimidation directed against the employees of this establishment and their trade union. We further request that a full, impartial and transparent inquiry be convened to investigate flagrant abuses of police and judicial power in connection with management's illegal aggression against the Pearl Continental Hotel Workers' Union.

Yours sincerely,


Betrifft: Gravierende Verletzungen demokratischer Rechte im Pearl Continental Hotel in Karachi

Sehr geehrter Herr Premierminister,

Die IUL, ein internationaler Gewerkschaftsbund, der mehr als 12 Millionen Mitglieder in 126 L�ndern vertritt, hat mich �ber die wiederholten und ernsten Verletzungen grundlegender demokratischer Rechte im Pearl Continental Hotel in Karachi unterrichtet.

Seit September 2001 bem�ht sich die demokratisch gew�hlte Gewerkschaft, die die �berwiegende Mehrheit der Hotelarbeitnehmer vertritt, um die Verteidigung der Gewerkschaftsrechte, auf die die Arbeitnehmer nach der Verfassung Pakistans und internationalen �bereinkommen Anspruch haben. Mitglieder und Amtstr�ger der Pearl Continental Hotel Workers� Union sind brutal entlassen, rechtswidrig von der Polizei verhaftet, mit Gewalt bedroht und auf einer lokalen Polizeistation in Anwesenheit von Mitgliedern der Hotelleitung gepr�gelt worden.

Im Verlauf dieser Ereignisse deutete zu keinem Zeitpunkt das geringste darauf hin, dass die Gesetze, die im Prinzip zum Schutz der pakistanischen Arbeitnehmer bestehen, angewandt werden oder dem Grundsatz der Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz Geltung verschafft wird.

Da diese �bergriffe in grober Verletzung innerstaatlicher Gesetze und internationaler �bereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen sowohl mit der Zustimmung als auch unter der Mitwirkung der pakistanischen Polizei und lokaler Regierungsstellen erfolgten, ist nunmehr gegen die Regierung Pakistans eine Klage bei der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation, einer Institution der Vereinten Nationen, eingereicht worden, die als Fall Nr. 2169 behandelt wird.

Im Juni 2003 gelangte der Ausschuss f�r Vereinigungsfreiheit der IAO zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass es in der Tat zu gravierenden Verletzungen von Gewerkschaftsrechten durch die Hotelleitung, die lokale Polizei und Regierungsstellen gekommen war, und forderte Ihre Regierung auf, die Vorf�lle der Inhaftierung von Gewerkschaftsmitgliedern durch die Polizei sowie die Gewaltt�tigkeiten und Schikanen gegen Gewerkschaftsmitglieder in vollem Umfang zu untersuchen und der IAO �ber die Untersuchungsergebnisse zu berichten. Bisher hat Ihre Regierung auf die Empfehlungen der IAO noch nicht reagiert.

Wir glauben, dass eine rasche L�sung dieses Problems auf der Grundlage der Einhaltung internationaler �bereinkommen, die auch Ihre Regierung unterzeichnet hat, im Interesse Pakistans liegt. Wir m�chten Sie deshalb um ihre guten Dienste bitten, indem sie bei der Leitung und bei dem Eigent�mer des Pearl Continental Hotels darauf dringen, dass die Rechte der Pearl Continental Hotel Workers� Union in vollem Umfang eingehalten werden und die Hotelleitung alle Gewaltakte und Einsch�chterungsversuche gegen die Arbeitnehmer dieses Hotels und ihre Gewerkschaft einstellt. Wir fordern ferner die Einleitung einer umfassenden, unparteiischen und transparenten Untersuchung der eindeutigen �bergriffe der Polizei und der Justizbeh�rden in Verbindung mit der rechtswidrigen Aggression der Hotelleitung gegen die Pearl Continental Hotel Workers� Union.


Bitte schickt Kopien etwaiger Botschaften an das IUL-Sekretariat. Wir werden sie an die Pearl Continental Hotel Workers� Union weiterleiten.

Wir danken euch im Voraus f�r eure Solidarit�t und Unterst�tzung.

Los trabajadores y trabajadoras del Hotel Pearl Continental de Pakist�n contin�an su lucha en defensa de sus derechos sindicales



El 9 de noviembre de 2004, el hotel de lujo Pearl Continental de Karachi entr� en su 4� a�o de lucha por los derechos sindicales, manteniendo reuniones y concentraciones con el fin de marcar el d�a en que m�s de 300 trabajadores/as fueron despedidos por la direcci�n del hotel por intermedio de un anuncio publicado en un diario local.

El conflicto comenz� en setiembre del 2001, cuando la gerencia anunci� que, a ra�z de una disminuci�n en sus reservas, despedir�a a todos los trabajadores informales y temporarios y eliminar�a un d�a de trabajo pago por semana para el personal permanente. El sindicato pidi� negociaciones, pero la gerencia ignor� la solicitud. La carta de despido fue publicada en un diario el 8 de noviembre y se prohibi� a los/as trabajadores/as ingresar al hotel cuando se presentaron a trabajar al d�a siguiente.

Lo que comenz� como una campa�a sindical para defender los derechos de los/as empleados/as informales del hotel se intensific� r�pidamente hacia un ataque total de la gerencia contra la existencia del sindicato y del bienestar f�sico y seguridad de sus miembros y dirigentes. Los funcionarios sindicales fueron detenidos ilegalmente y han sido golpeados mientras estaban detenidos provisionalmente. Fueron licenciados - como numerosos miembros del sindicato - como consecuencia a una presunta reestructuraci�n.

Los miembros del sindicato Pearl Continental y sus familias manifestando el 14 de noviembre de 2004, d�a del A�d. Se reunieron con ellos representantes de otros sindicatos, federaciones y organizaciones de derechos humanos y del trabajo, en una manifestaci�n de solidaridad y apoyo al sindicato del hotel.

En junio del 2003, en respuesta a una queja planteada por la UITA en representaci�n del Sindicato del Pearl Continental, el Comit� de Libertad Sindical de la OIT solicit� al gobierno de Pakist�n (entre otras medidas) que ordene a las autoridades laborales competentes que inicien r�pidamente una investigaci�n a fondo sobre los despidos antisindicales que tuvieron lugar en el Hotel Pearl Continental de Karachi y, si se comprueba que existi� discriminaci�n antisindical, se asegure que los/as trabajadores/as implicados sean reintegrados en sus puestos de trabajo, sin p�rdida de salario. Solicita adem�s al Gobierno que organice reuniones entre la direcci�n del hotel y el sindicato con miras a evitar que se produzcan en el futuro violaciones de los derechos sindicales. El Comit� arrib� a la conclusi�n que la gerencia del hotel y las autoridades locales hab�an cometido graves violaciones de los derechos sindicales, orden� al gobierno a investigar plenamente los incidentes de la detenci�n policial, la violencia y el acoso de los miembros sindicales y solicit� al gobierno que rindiera un informe pertinente a la OIT.

�Los/las trabajadores/as y su sindicato est�n determinados para luchar y necesitan su constante apoyo! Ellos/as contin�an activamente a manifestarse, a hacer campa�a, y mantener el apoyo entre trabajadores/as, ya sea dentro como fuera del hotel. La siguiente reuni�n de protesta est� programada hacia el 6 de enero de 2005 para marcar las detenciones de dirigentes sindicales en 2002.

�Qu� puede hacer usted?

A la fecha, el gobierno ha ignorado las recomendaciones de la OIT. Se necesita presionar nuevamente al gobierno de Pakist�n para que intervenga en pro de una soluci�n de este conflicto sobre la base del respeto de los derechos sindicales. Usted puede prestar ayuda enviando un mensaje a las autoridades de Pakist�n.

Modelo de Mensaje al Primer Ministro de Pakist�n

To: Mr. Shaukat Aziz
Prime Minister of Pakistan
Fax: +92 51 922 28 03

con copias a

Mr. Pervez Musharaf, President & Chief Executive Of the Islamic Republic Of Pakistan
Fax: +92 51 922 48 36
E-mail: [email protected]

Chief Minister, Government of Sindh
Fax: + 92 21 9202000

General Manager, Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi, Pakistan
Fax: + 92 21 568 1835/568 2655
E-mail: [email protected]

Concerns: grave violations of democratic rights at the Karachi Pearl Continental Hotel

Dear Mr. Prime Minister

I have been informed by the IUF, an international trade union federation representing over 12 million members in 126 countries, about repeated and serious violations of basic democratic rights at Karachi's Pearl Continental Hotel.

Since September 2001, the democratically elected trade union representing the overwhelming majority of hotel employees has been seeking to defend the trade union rights guaranteed workers under Pakistan's constitution and international Conventions. Members and office-bearers of the Pearl Continental Hotel Workers' Union have been brutally dismissed from their jobs, detained illegally by police, threatened with violence and,beaten at a local police station in the presence of hotel management staff. At no time during these events has there been any indication that the laws which exist in principle to protect Pakistan's workers are being enforced, or that the principle of equal justice before the law is being applied.

Since these abuses took place with the cooperation and collaboration of the Pakistani police and local government authorities, in gross violation of both national law and international Conventions of the United Nations, the government of Pakistan is now the object of a complaint filed with the International Labour Organization, part of the United Nations system, Case No. 2169. In June 2003, the Committee on Freedom of Association of the ILO concluded that grave violations of trade union rights had indeed been committed by the hotel management and local police and government authorities, instructed the government to fully investigate the incidents of police detention, violence and harassment of union members and requested that the government report back to the ILO. To date, your government has not responded to the ILO recommendations.

We suggest that it is in Pakistan's interest to ensure that this issue is resolved quickly on the basis of respect for international Conventions to which your government is a signatory. We would therefore ask that you use your good offices to intervene with the management and owner of the Pearl Continental Hotel to ensure that the rights of the Pearl Continental Hotel Workers' Union are fully respected and that management cease all violence and intimidation directed against the employees of this establishment and their trade union. We further request that a full, impartial and transparent inquiry be convened to investigate flagrant abuses of police and judicial power in connection with management's illegal aggression against the Pearl Continental Hotel Workers' Union.

Yours sincerely,


Para: Sr. Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Primer Ministro de Pakist�n

con copias a

Sr. Pervez Musharaf, Presidente y Jefe Ejecutivo de la Rep�blica Isl�mica de Pakist�n

Ministro Ejecutivo, Gobierno de Sindh

Gerente General, Hotel Pearl Continental, Karachi, Pakist�n

Ref.: Graves violaciones de los derechos democr�ticos en el Hotel Pearl Continental de Karachi
Se�or Primer Ministro:
He sido informado por la UITA, una federaci�n sindical internacional que representa m�s de 12 millones de miembros en 126 pa�ses, acerca de las repetidas y graves violaciones de los derechos democr�ticos fundamentales en el Hotel Pearl Continental de Karachi.

Desde setiembre del 2001, el sindicato democr�ticamente electo que representa a la abrumadora mayor�a de los empleados/as hoteleros, ha procurado defender los derechos sindicales garantizados a los/as trabajadores/as en la Constituci�n de Pakist�n y en los Convenios internacionales. Los miembros y dirigentes del Sindicato de Trabajadores del Hotel Pearl Continental fueron brutalmente despedidos de sus empleos, detenidos ilegalmente por la polic�a, amenazados con violencia y golpeados en una estaci�n de polic�a en presencia del personal de gerencia del hotel. En ning�n momento durante estos acontecimientos, hubo indicaci�n alguna de que las leyes que existen en principio para proteger a los/as trabajadores/as de Pakist�n se est�n haciendo cumplir o que el principio de igualdad jur�dica ante la ley se est� aplicando.

Como estas violaciones han tenido lugar con la cooperaci�n y colaboraci�n de la polic�a paquistan� y las autoridades del gobierno local, en flagrante violaci�n de la legislaci�n nacional y los Convenios Internacionales de las Naciones Unidas, el gobierno de Pakist�n es ahora objeto de una queja presentada con la Organizaci�n Internacional del Trabajo, parte del sistema de las Naciones Unidas, Caso N� 2169.
En junio del 2003, el Comit� de Libertad Sindical de la OIT concluy� que efectivamente la gerencia de hotel, la polic�a local y las autoridades gubernamentales hab�an cometido graves violaciones de los derechos sindicales. El Comit� orden� al gobierno a investigar plenamente los incidentes de la detenci�n policial, la violencia y el acoso de los miembros sindicales y solicit� al gobierno que rindiera un informe pertinente a la OIT. A la fecha, su gobierno no ha respondido a las recomendaciones de la OIT.

Sugerimos que es de inter�s para Pakist�n velar para que este tema se resuelva r�pidamente, en base al respeto de los Convenios internacionales de los que su gobierno es signatario. Por lo tanto, le solicitamos que utilice sus buenos oficios para intervenir con la gerencia y propietarios del Hotel Pearl Continental para que velen a fin de que los derechos del Sindicato de Trabajadores del Hotel Pearl Continental sean plenamente respetados y que la direcci�n cese toda violencia e intimidaci�n dirigida contra los/as empleados/as de ese establecimiento y su sindicato. Solicitamos adem�s que se convoque una indagaci�n total, imparcial y transparente para investigar los flagrantes abusos del poder policial y judicial en relaci�n con la agresi�n ilegal llevada a cabo por la gerencia contra el Sindicato de Trabajadores del Hotel Pearl Continental.


Solicitamos remitir a la secretar�a de la UITA copias de cualquier mensaje que ustedes decidan enviar. Nosotros las trasmitiremos al Sindicato de Trabajadores del Hotel Pearl Continental.
Les agradecemos por anticipado su solidaridad y apoyo.

Les travailleurs/euses de l'h�tel Pearl Continental au Pakistan continuent leur lutte pour les droits syndicaux



Le combat pour les droits syndicaux � l'h�tel de luxe Pearl Continental de Karachi est entr� dans sa 4�me ann�e le 9 novembre 2004, alors que le syndicat tenait des r�unions et des rassemblements afin de marquer le jour qui a vu plus de 300 travailleurs/euses �tre licenci�s/es par la direction de l'h�tel par le biais d'une annonce publi�e dans un journal local.

Le conflit a d�but� en septembre 2001, avec l�annonce par la direction du licenciement de tous/tes les employ�s/es occasionnel/les et temporaires et de la suppression d�une journ�e de travail r�mun�r�e par semaine pour les employ�s/es permanents/es, en raison d�une baisse du nombre de r�servations. Bien que le syndicat ait demand� l�ouverture de n�gociations, la direction a ignor� cette demande et licenci� les employ�s/es temporaires. L�avis de licenciement a �t� publi� dans un quotidien le 8 novembre et les employ�s/es se sont vus/es interdire l�acc�s � l�h�tel quand ils/elles sont all�s/es travailler le lendemain.

Ce qui avait d�but� comme une campagne syndicale pour d�fendre les droits des travailleurs/euses temporaires s�est rapidement transform� en une attaque g�n�ralis�e de la direction contre l�existence m�me du syndicat et le bien-�tre et la s�curit� des membres et des dirigeants syndicaux. Des fonctionnaires syndicaux ont subi une d�tention ill�gale et on �t� battus lors de leur garde � vue. Ils ont �t� licenci�s � comme de nombreux membres du syndicat � en raison d'une pr�tendue restructuration.

Les membres du syndicat du Pearl Continental et leurs familles manifestent le jour de l'A�d, le 14 novembre 2004. Ils ont �t� rejoints par des repr�sentants d'autres syndicats, de f�d�rations et d'organisations �uvrant pour les droit humains et du travail, dans une d�monstration de solidarit� et de soutien au syndicat de l'h�tel.

En juin 2003, en r�ponse � une plainte d�pos�e par l�UITA au nom du syndicat de l�h�tel Pearl Continental union, le Comit� de la libert� syndicale de l�OIT a demand� au gouvernement du Pakistan (entre autres mesures), d'ordonner aux autorit�s comp�tentes du travail d'entreprendre rapidement une enqu�te approfondie sur les licenciements antisyndicaux survenus � l'h�tel Pearl Continental de Karachi et, s'il s'av�rait qu'il y a eu discrimination antisyndicale, de veiller � ce que les travailleurs concern�s soient r�int�gr�s dans leurs postes de travail sans perte de salaire; il demande de plus au gouvernement d'instaurer des r�unions entre la direction de l'h�tel et le syndicat, en vue d'�viter que des violations des droits syndicaux ne se produisent � l'avenir. Le Comit� a conclu que la direction de l�h�tel et les autorit�s locales avaient commis de graves violations des droits syndicaux et demand� au gouvernement de mener une enqu�te approfondie sur la d�tention des membres du syndicat et sur la violence et le harc�lement dont ils ont fait l�objet, et d�en faire rapport � l�OIT.

Les travailleurs/euses et leur syndicat sont d�termin�s/es � se battre et ils/elles ont besoin de votre soutien constant! Ils/elles continuent � manifester activement, � faire campagne et � maintenir un soutien entre les travailleurs/euses, qu'ils/elles soient � l'int�rieur ou � l'ext�rieur de l'h�tel. Le prochain rassemblement de protestation est pr�vu le 6 janvier 2005, afin de marquer l'arrestation des dirigeants syndicaux en 2002.

Ce que vous pouvez faireLe gouvernement continue de faire la sourde oreille aux recommandations de l�OIT. Des nouvelles pressions doivent �tre faites pour amener le gouvernement du Pakistan � intervenir en vue d�un r�glement fond� sur le respect des droits syndicaux. Vous pouvez y contribuer en faisant parvenir un message aux autorit�s pakistanaises.

Exemple de message au Premier ministre du Pakistan

To: Mr. Shaukat Aziz
Prime Minister of Pakistan
Fax: +92 51 922 28 03

copies �

Mr. Pervez Musharaf, President & Chief Executive Of the Islamic Republic Of Pakistan
Fax: +92 51 922 48 36
E-mail: [email protected]

Chief Minister, Government of Sindh
Fax: + 92 21 9202000

General Manager, Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi, Pakistan
Fax: + 92 21 568 1835/568 2655
E-mail: [email protected]


Concerns: grave violations of democratic rights at the Karachi Pearl Continental Hotel

Dear Mr. Prime Minister

I have been informed by the IUF, an international trade union federation representing over 12 million members in 126 countries, about repeated and serious violations of basic democratic rights at Karachi's Pearl Continental Hotel.

Since September 2001, the democratically elected trade union representing the overwhelming majority of hotel employees has been seeking to defend the trade union rights guaranteed workers under Pakistan's constitution and international Conventions. Members and office-bearers of the Pearl Continental Hotel Workers' Union have been brutally dismissed from their jobs, detained illegally by police, threatened with violence and beaten at a local police station in the presence of hotel management staff. At no time during these events has there been any indication that the laws which exist in principle to protect Pakistan's workers are being enforced, or that the principle of equal justice before the law is being applied.

Since these abuses took place with the cooperation and collaboration of the Pakistani police and local government authorities, in gross violation of both national law and international Conventions of the United Nations, the government of Pakistan is now the object of a complaint filed with the International Labour Organization, part of the United Nations system, Case No. 2169. In June 2003, the Committee on Freedom of Association of the ILO concluded that grave violations of trade union rights had indeed been committed by the hotel management and local police and government authorities, instructed the government to fully investigate the incidents of police detention, violence and harassment of union members and requested that the government report back to the ILO. To date, your government has not responded to the ILO recommendations.

We suggest that it is in Pakistan's interest to ensure that this issue is resolved quickly on the basis of respect for international Conventions to which your government is a signatory. We would therefore ask that you use your good offices to intervene with the management and owner of the Pearl Continental Hotel to ensure that the rights of the Pearl Continental Hotel Workers' Union are fully respected and that management cease all violence and intimidation directed against the employees of this establishment and their trade union. We further request that a full, impartial and transparent inquiry be convened to investigate flagrant abuses of police and judicial power in connection with management's illegal aggression against the Pearl Continental Hotel Workers' Union.

Yours sincerely,


Monsieur Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali.
Premier ministre du Pakistan
Fax: +92 51 9204632

Objet: violations graves des droits d�mocratiques � l�h�tel Pearl Continental de Karachi

Monsieur le Premier ministre,

J�ai �t� inform� par l�UITA, une f�d�ration syndicale internationale repr�sentant plus de douze millions de membres dans 126 pays, de violations graves et r�p�t�es des droits d�mocratiques fondamentaux � l�h�tel Pearl Continental de Karachi.

Depuis septembre 2001, le syndicat d�mocratiquement �lu et repr�sentant une large majorit� des employ�s/es de l�h�tel cherche � d�fendre les droits garantis aux travailleurs/euses par la constitution du Pakistan et par les conventions internationales. Les membres et responsables syndicaux/les du Pearl Continental Hotel Workers Union ont �t� licenci�s/es sans m�nagement, d�tenus/es ill�galement par la police, menac�s/es de violences et tabass�s/es dans un poste de police de la ville en pr�sence de deux membres de la direction de l�h�tel. Au cours de ces �v�nements, il n�a jamais sembl� que les lois, qui existent en principe pour prot�ger les travailleurs/euses du Pakistan, aient �t� appliqu�es, ou que le principe d��galit� pour tous devant la loi ait �t� respect�.

�tant donn� que ces abus ont �t� commis avec la coop�ration de la police et des autorit�s gouvernementales locales pakistanaises, en violation flagrante � la fois de la loi nationale et des conventions internationales des Nations unies, le gouvernement du Pakistan fait aujourd�hui l�objet d�une plainte, cas n� 2169, d�pos�e aupr�s de l�Organisation internationale du travail, un organisme d�pendant des Nations unies. En juin 2003, le Comit� de la libert� syndicale de l�OIT a conclu que de graves violations des droits syndicaux fondamentaux avaient effectivement �t� commises par la direction de l�h�tel, la police et les autorit�s locales et demand� au gouvernement de mener une enqu�te approfondie sur la d�tention des membres du syndicat et sur la violence et le harc�lement dont ils ont fait l�objet, et d�en faire rapport � l�OIT.

Nous sugg�rons qu�il est dans l�int�r�t du Pakistan que cette question soit rapidement r�solue, dans le sens du respect des conventions internationales que votre gouvernement a ratifi�. Nous vous demandons en cons�quence d�user de vos bons offices pour intervenir aupr�s de la direction et du propri�taire de l�h�tel Pearl Continental, afin que les droits du syndicat Pearl Continental Hotel Workers Union soient pleinement respect�s et que la direction mette un terme aux violences et � l�intimidation � l�encontre des employ�s/es et du syndicat de cet �tablissement. Nous demandons en outre qu�une enqu�te impartiale, compl�te et transparente soit men�e sur les abus flagrants des instances polici�res et judiciaires dans le cadre des attaques ill�gales de la direction de l�h�tel contre le Pearl Continental Hotel Workers Union.

Veuillez agr�er, monsieur le Premier ministre, l�expression de notre consid�ration.

Veuillez transmettre une copie de tout message exp�di� au secr�tariat de l�UITA. Nous les ferons suivre au syndicat des travailleurs/euses de l�h�tel Pearl Continental.

Nous vous remercions de votre solidarit� et de votre soutien.

Support the Campaign Against the Discriminatory Labour Bill in Ukraine!


26 November: Campaign temporarily suspended

The campaign against the draft labour code in Ukraine was launched in the midst of the political crisis following the fraudulent election process in that country as IUF-affiliated trade unions feared that the state of uncertainty could be used to push through the new code without due consultation. However, with the deepening crisis, deliberations on the draft labour code have been suspended. Given the current situation, our affiliates have asked that the campaign be temporarily suspended.

We are ready to again call for support as soon as our affiliates in Ukraine judge it timely and effective.

At the end of November 2004, the Supreme Rada (Ukraine's parliament), will consider a draft labour code which, in its present form, would deny basic rights to the majority of workers in Ukraine.

Chapter 3 of Book 4 of the draft contains discriminatory provisions aimed at employees of small-sized enterprises (those which employ fewer than 50 workers). If the labour code were adopted in its present form, 54 percent of all Ukrainian workers would loose their right to social protection, union representation and collective bargaining. Employers would be free to unilaterally set up work schedules, cut salaries and fire workers. Such restrictive and discriminatory legislation would ultimately undermine the entire industrial relations system of this large European country. Despite a wave of protest from trade unions and the recommendation of the International Labour Organization that the chapter be excluded, the Supreme Rada refuses to budge.

The IUF has written to the Chair of the parliamentary Committee on Social Policy and Labour Issues to express our concerns. In his reply, the Committee Chair indicated that as a result of union pressure, a special working party consisting of union representatives and members of parliament had been created to consider amendments to the Chapter. No progress has been achieved and the unions are currently unable to organize protest actions because of mass rallies already taking place in the wake of the contested presidential elections. The IUF affiliates in Ukraine are focussing on boosting the letter-writing campaign as a way to exert pressure on the Supreme Rada to remove the discriminatory limitations on workers rights from the draft.

We are informed that despite the current political crisis in Ukraine, deliberations continue in the Supreme Rada at the request of the employers, who are lobbying for changes which would further worsen the draft. There is serious concern that the political crisis could be used to push through the new code without due consultation. Workers in Ukraine and their unions would then be left with virtually no rights, no matter which candidate is ultimately confirmed as president.

What you can do

IUF affiliates in Ukraine, supported by the IUF Eastern Europe and Central Asian Regional Co-ordination Council, demand that Chapter 3 of Book 4 be removed from the draft labour code and are calling for international support and solidarity. You can help by sending a message to the Ukraine authorities.

Sample message

Volodymyr Lytvyn, Chair, Supreme Rada of Ukraine
Fax: +38 044 253 06 53 - or - +38 044 253 10 01

with a copy to

Vasyl Hara, Chair, Committee on Social Policy and Labour Issues
Fax: +38 044 255 41 70

Concerns: Discriminatory chapter in draft labour code

Dear Mr. Lytvyn,

I am writing to express my deep concern over the draft labour code now under discussion in the Supreme Rada.

As I am informed by the IUF, an international trade union federation representing over 12 million members in 125 countries, Chapter 3 of Book 4 of the draft contains provisions which pose a serious threat to labour rights and standards for workers in small-sized enterprises, as it deprives them of social protection and basic union representation rights. The Chapter, as it formulated, is inconsistent with workers rights conventions of the International Labour Organization of the United Nations.

I call upon you to take measures to withdraw the whole of Chapter 3 from Book 4 of the draft labour code as it does not meet ILO standards.

Yours sincerely,

Kindly e-mail or fax copies of any message you might send to the IUF secretariat ([email protected] or +41 22 793 22 38) and the IUF Moscow Office ([email protected] or +7 095 938 81 89) and we will convey them to the Ukrainian affiliates.

We thank you in advance for your solidarity and support.
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