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Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide

Here are the results of your search:
    = Urgent Action

US Executive Pay: Scaling New Heights 02-Sep-2008

Combating Hunger or Destroying Jobs? Unilever, Blue Band�, and the World Food Programme 02-Sep-2008

IUF Global Meat Unions' Conference Outlines Organizing Strategies, Priorities 18-Aug-2008


Fighting Job Destruction: IUF Manual on Outsourcing, Casualization and Contract Labour 18-Aug-2008

Help NSZZ Solidarnosc halt mass layoffs at Polish turkey processor Indykpol! 31-Jul-2008

Nestle Hong Kong strike success 29-Jul-2008


Global Union Action Day on Buyout Funds 21-Jul-2008


Nestl�gate: Nestl�'s critics under high surveillance 10-Jul-2008

Is the sun setting on workers' rights at Sol Melia Indonesia? 03-Jul-2008

SEIU Targets Buyout Fund KKR for Global Action 02-Jul-2008

Unilever Turkey Transport Workers Sacked for Joining Union 01-Jul-2008


Unite 'Golden Toilet' Award for Tesco and Meat Supplier 30-Jun-2008

Iran Sugar Workers End 42-Day Strike by Forming Independent Union 26-Jun-2008

Landmark Contract for Seasonal Migrant Farmworkers in Canada 25-Jun-2008

Global Meat Unions in Solidarity with NGG on Strike at Vion-Foods' S�dfleisch 25-Jun-2008


Uni/ISS Global Agreement on Union Organizing Rights 24-Jun-2008

Focus on Rural Employment/Poverty/Rights at International Labour Conference 17-Jun-2008

IUF at ILO Calls for Social Regulation of Trade, Investment in Tackling Food Price Crisis 17-Jun-2008

Action on Child Labour: IUF and Education International join forces to demand rural education for all 13-Jun-2008

Zimbabwe Farmworkers' Leader Abducted to 'Torture Center' 13-Jun-2008
Gapwuz has informed the IUF that Edward Dzeka has been released from the ZANU (PF) militia camp.

Conflict at Nestl� Russia ends in union victory 12-Jun-2008

Russian Nestl� workers still being denied the right to negotiate wages! 06-Jun-2008
June 11: Settlement reached!

Coca-Cola Workers launch Global Union Alliance 03-Jun-2008


Foster's Yatala Campaign Ends - For Now - With Union Rights Agreement but Without Union CBA 30-May-2008

Outsourced Coca-Cola Philippines Workers Fight for Regularization 28-May-2008


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