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Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide

Here are the results of your search:
    = Urgent Action

European Unions Protest Restructuring, Closures and Layoffs at Inbev's Headquarters as Belgian Workers Strike Breweries 31-Mar-2006


Nestle Korea Labour Union wins settlement, strike action averted 21-Mar-2006

Round and Round the Roundtable: RSPO Washes its Hands of Corporate Brutality 21-Mar-2006

European Unilever Workers Call for Company to Take Action on Musim Mas Palm Oil 21-Mar-2006

Time to Regulate TNCs: IUF Welcomes War on Want's Coca-Cola Report 20-Mar-2006

Workers ignored as bird flu advances across Asia 19-Mar-2006

Employment in Greek poultry industry 'on brink of collapse' 19-Mar-2006

Indonesian Sugar Federation Rallies for Trade Union Rights in Surabaya 17-Mar-2006

UFCW Calls For Worker Component To Bird Flu Plan 14-Mar-2006

UK T&G Poultry plant reps to discuss avian flu dangers 14-Mar-2006

The price of cheap chicken - Brazilian unions attack high line speeds in the export industry 13-Mar-2006

Emergency Rule Lifted in Philippines, Democracy Still Under Siege 07-Mar-2006

The Sugar Worker, February 2006. News from the Sugar Sector. 06-Mar-2006

Union Victory at Hotel Riviera in Korea 04-Mar-2006

Korea: General Strike Against Proposed Laws Encouraging Casualization 02-Mar-2006
KCTU women members on casual contracts rally in the rain to launch general strike - February 28, 2006


Malaysian Union Support Boosts Global Musim Mas Campaign 27-Feb-2006

Protest Emergency Rule in the Philippines 26-Feb-2006

Tehran Bus Workers Continue Their Struggle for Union Rights 26-Feb-2006

Press Release: Rights/Job Security/ HIV/AIDS Top Agenda at International Union Talks with Coca-Cola 15-Feb-2006

Kraft Union Representatives Hold First Global Meeting, Set Action Plan 13-Feb-2006

European Coca-Cola Unions Join Forces to Protest Redundancies and Demand Negotiations 07-Feb-2006


'We are workers oppressed by despotic employers. Why is it we who are imprisoned?' 01-Feb-2006


Expanded Restructering Plan in Kraft 01-Feb-2006

Japanese Union Solidarity with Indonesian Sugar Workers 27-Jan-2006


Justice for Indonesian Palm Oil Workers - Free the Musim Mas Six! 23-Jan-2006


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