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Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide

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    = Urgent Action

Coca-Cola Sri Lanka: CMU Wins Permanent Status for Casual Employees 12-Nov-2004

[Members Only] Letter to the European Parliament from the IUF English-speaking Caribbean on the proposal to reform the EU Sugar Regime 01-Nov-2004

[Members Only] The Sugar Worker, October 2004. News from the Sugar Sector 01-Nov-2004

[Members Only] List of Forthcoming Meetings 28-Oct-2004

Transnational and Indian Companies Profiting from Massive Child Labour in Cottonseed Production 10-Oct-2004

LSG Sky Chefs workers strike for improved wages and conditions 06-Oct-2004

Mass Arrests as LA Unionists Rally in Support of San Francisco Hotel Workers/Employers to Extend Lockout 06-Oct-2004

Dutch Unions Rally Against Public Spending Cuts in Biggest Protest in Decades 03-Oct-2004


UNITE HERE on Strike Against "WalMartization" of US Hotel Jobs 01-Oct-2004


[Members Only] The Sugar Worker, September 2004. News from the Sugar Sector 28-Sep-2004

Successful Strike at Nestl� Germany Wins Employment Guarantees, Defends Work Week 24-Sep-2004

UNITE HERE Hotel Members Vote for Strike Action in 3 Major Cities 21-Sep-2004

Settlement at Raffles Cambodia Ends Long Dispute 15-Sep-2004

International Coffee Code Must Bring Real Changes for Workers and Farmers 12-Sep-2004

AMWU Agreement with Nestl� Australia Sets Limits on Casual Hiring, Advances Union Rights 07-Sep-2004

New agreement at LSG Sky Chefs in Sweden - Success for HRF and catering workers 04-Sep-2004

Strike Warning at LSG Sky Chefs in Sweden: Update 03-Sep-2004

[Members Only] Interbrew's Company Strategy Prior to Merger into InBev 01-Sep-2004

[Members Only] The Sugar Worker, July-August 2004. News from the Sugar Sector 26-Aug-2004

Court Victory in Paraguay: Delta & Pine Corporation Guilty of Crimes Against the Environment 25-Aug-2004

Pepsi Guatemala Workers Continue 22 Months of Struggle for Reinstatement 21-Aug-2004

Restructuring and Trade Union Rights: Parmalat Workers' Bulletin No. 07-2004 20-Aug-2004

Successful defence of union rights at Nestl� in Russia 13-Aug-2004

Collective Bargaining at Swiss Nestl� Factory Follows IUF Intervention 13-Aug-2004

Pepsi Guatemala Workers Continue Struggle for Reinstatement (Update) 12-Aug-2004

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