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Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide

Here are the results of your search:
    = Urgent Action

First Round Victory in Campaign for Justice for Nemagon Victims 23-May-2005

Sexual Harassment at PepsiCo Poland: Update 11-May-2005

The Sugar Worker, April 2005. News from the Sugar Sector. 09-May-2005

International Banana Conference: Respect for Trade Union Rights Crucial for 'Reversing the Race to the Bottom' 05-May-2005

Korea: Struggle Continues Against Proposed Laws to Encourage Casualization 04-May-2005
Korean unions mobilize to 'Strike A Blow Against Casual Employment!'


IUF Warns of New 'Banana War' in WTO Challenge to EU Banana Regime, Calls for Rights-Based Global Rules 22-Apr-2005

Long Struggle Brings Victory to Korean Country Club Workers 22-Apr-2005

Pesticide Lobby Pressures Malaysia to Reconsider Paraquat Ban 19-Apr-2005

UK Wal-Mart Union Members Reject Company Inducements to Renounce Collective Bargaining Rights 07-Apr-2005

IUF Demands Protection for Threatened SINALTRAINAL Leaders 07-Apr-2005

Rights Issues Top Agenda at IUF/Coca-Cola Meeting 06-Apr-2005

Korea: KCTU Calls Warning Strike Against Proposed Laws to Facilitate Casualization 01-Apr-2005


Indian Parliament Bows to WTO, Outlaws Affordable HIV/AIDS Drugs 23-Mar-2005

International Day of Union Action for Nepal: March 22 16-Mar-2005

New Zealand Union Campaigns in Support of Dismissed LSG Sky Chefs Worker 08-Mar-2005

March 8 - International Women's Day 08-Mar-2005

New Zealand Dairy Workers Union Wins Long Struggle Against Freeloading 02-Mar-2005

Wal-Mart to Close Unionized Quebec Store to Avoid Collective Bargaining 24-Feb-2005

Syngenta Retreats on Bid to Patent Global Plant Resources 24-Feb-2005

The Silent Massacre: New IUF Latin America Publication on RSI at Nestl� Brazil 23-Feb-2005

Sexual Harassment at PepsiCo Poland: Campaign Update 21-Feb-2005

[Members Only] IUF Sugar Workers' Network Site 07-Feb-2005

2nd IUF Affiliates' Volunteer Team at Work in Aceh 03-Feb-2005
The IUF medical team provides check-ups and treatment for villagers and workers living in plantation areas affected by the Tsunami


Danone ICC meeting discusses job security 27-Jan-2005
Report of the ICC meeting - November 2004

Nestl� South Africa Pay Dispute Resolved 26-Jan-2005

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