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Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide

Here are the results of your search:
    = Urgent Action

SINTRAINAGRO Member Murdered in Colombia 15-Oct-2006

Union at Seoul Millennium Hilton Hotel Braces for Conflict over Casual Work 06-Oct-2006

Fiji: Workers vote for industrial action as Nestl� insists on poverty wages 04-Oct-2006

Nestl� Accused of Violating OECD Guidelines in the UK 04-Oct-2006

Outlaw Conduct by Unilever Indian Subsidiary Prompts International Union Action at OECD 04-Oct-2006


FAWU Wins Settlement at Kraft South Africa 27-Sep-2006

Nestl� announces mass redundancies at UK chocolate factory 22-Sep-2006

Starwood Yields - Yogyakarta Sheraton Workers Win Post-Earthquake Support 19-Sep-2006

Union Mobilizes Against Poverty Wages at Nestl� Fiji 05-Sep-2006

Historic first national conference of hotel workers in India declares national federation 04-Sep-2006

FAO Confirms Global Spread of Avian Flu Virus/Farm, Poultry Workers Still Waiting for Adequate Protection 24-Aug-2006

International Union Day of Action in Solidarity with Workers at Smithfield's Tar Heel plant 15-Aug-2006


Teamsters Win Collective Bargaining Victory at SAB-Miller 01-Aug-2006

Hilton, N.Y. Hotel and Motel Trades Council Reach Tentative Agreement; Hilton Also Agrees with UNITE HERE on 'Partnership for Future Growth' 01-Aug-2006

Union breakthrough in Ugandan Flower sector 27-Jul-2006

IUF and Italian affiliates help UFCW win improved collective agreement at Citterio, USA 27-Jul-2006

Korea: Strike Action Challenges Proposed Free Trade Agreement 17-Jul-2006


Nestl� Pakistan: Unions Roll Back 'De-unionization' Drive, Double Membership 17-Jul-2006

German Metalworkers Call on Government to Halt Pressure on Developing Countries in WTO Talks 12-Jul-2006

IUF and COLSIBA meet Chiquita on May 10/11 to review regional agreement and ongoing issues 26-Jun-2006

Nestl�: Successful Union Mobilisation in Spain 21-Jun-2006

[Members Only] Indonesian Government Must Listen to the United Nations: Stop Attacks on Sugar Union! 16-Jun-2006

German Coca-Cola Workers' Union Wins Major Gains in New Agreement 01-Jun-2006

SINTRAINAGRO in Colombia - Much More than Collective Bargaining 31-May-2006

Strike Averted with new Collective Agreement for Colombian Banana Workers 30-May-2006

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