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Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide

Here are the results of your search:
    = Urgent Action

US Union Agreement at Anheuser-Busch secures Terms, Conditions Following InBev Takeover 17-Nov-2008

Indonesia, Peru, Brazil: Nestl� Workers Worldwide Demand Decent Work, Respect for Union Rights 12-Nov-2008


Colombian Sugar Workers Call Halt to 56-Day Strike after Winning Most Key Demands 12-Nov-2008


Joint Statement of Smithfield and UFCW 30-Oct-2008

German Foodworkers Prepare Broad Fight Against Precarious Work 30-Oct-2008

Workers on the Move - New IUF Booklet on Organizing Migrant Workers in Agriculture. 29-Oct-2008

Unilever Lipton Tea Agency Workers Launch Struggle for Permanent Jobs 27-Oct-2008


Turkish, Global Unions Unite to Pressure Unilever Turkey on Trade Union Rights Violations at Contract Haulers 24-Oct-2008


IUF Welcomes Publication of ILO Study of Labour Relations at Coca-Cola Colombia Bottlers 17-Oct-2008

Sacked Agency Workers Continue Struggle at Unilever Pakistan Spinoff Dalda Foods 13-Oct-2008
Recognize the Dalda Food Employees Union/Stop Anti-Worker Practices - IUF Pakistan


Support Striking Colombian Sugar Cane Workers! 09-Oct-2008


IUF Challenges Job Destruction at Nestl�, Unilever on World Day for Decent Work 06-Oct-2008

Breakthrough Agreement for Uganda's Hotel/Tourism Workers 01-Oct-2008

Unilever Pakistan Tells Fired Temps: Give Up Your Struggle or Give Up Benefits! 01-Oct-2008

New Death Threats in Colombia 30-Sep-2008

European Parliament Adopts Eurosocialist Call for Regulation of Private Equity, Hedge Funds 30-Sep-2008

Workers win compensation for illegal closure of Unilever India's Dharwad factory, but cheques bounce 29-Sep-2008

Fonterra and the China milk scandal - too many unanswered questions 29-Sep-2008

UPDATE - Help Solidarnosc halt mass layoffs at Polish turkey processor Indykpol! 26-Sep-2008
NSZZ Solidarnosc reports reaching provisional agreement with the company in this dispute, and warmly thanks all who have responded to this campaign.


Marriott Pakistan Bombing Highlights Need for Shared Commitment to Security 24-Sep-2008

BCTGM on Strike in New York as Private Equity Owners Seek to Devour Wages, Benefits 19-Sep-2008

Eurosocialists Push for Comprehensive Regulation of Private Equity, Hedge Funds 18-Sep-2008

Nestl� Brutally Shuts Down a Factory in the Dominican Republic 11-Sep-2008

Nestl� (Again) Refuses to Negotiate Wages, Attacks Basic Rights - This Time in Indonesia 10-Sep-2008

Global Union Co-operation an Urgent Necessity as InBev/Anheuser-Busch Merger Creates World's Largest Brewer 08-Sep-2008


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