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Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide

Here are the results of your search:
    = Urgent Action

Mp3 Juice Your very own gadgets! 28-Nov-2016
Mp3 juice

Strike at Nestl� Tunisia after secret sale of ice cream factory 05-Dec-2009

IUF, ITUC Call for ILO Action on Jailed Iranian Sugar Union Leaders 04-Dec-2009

Faster Discharges for Fast Food Bakery Workers? 04-Dec-2009

IUF joins the world's labour movement in mourning the death of Neil Kearney, ITGLWF General Secretary 23-Nov-2009

Tetley/Tata Responds to IUF Support for Hungry Tea Workers in India ... with Public Relations 23-Nov-2009

Unite Demands Kraft Divulge Employment Implications of Potential Cadbury Takeover 17-Nov-2009

As UN World Summit on Food Security Meets, IUF Asks What about the Workers? 16-Nov-2009

Coca-Cola Ireland conflict resolved 10-Nov-2009

Europe's Social Democrats Launch 'Europeans for Financial Reform' 30-Oct-2009

IUF/Danone Group Launch International Union/Management Meetings 28-Oct-2009

Unilever, IUF Settlement Resolves Conflict over Precarious Work at Lipton Pakistan 26-Oct-2009

Death by Outsourcing 26-Oct-2009

Nestl� Hong Kong still refuses union recognition, steps up casual hiring 26-Oct-2009

World Food Day - Oct 16 16-Oct-2009
Decent work is key to food security

Settlement Ends 3-Year Dispute over Unilever India Mumbai Closure 14-Oct-2009

Coca-Cola Ireland Workers Need your Support! 09-Oct-2009

Dole and Decent Work - Behind the Smokescreen 07-Oct-2009

Coca-Cola Hellenic: Workers pay, Shareholders profit from crisis 05-Oct-2009

Shame, Unilever, Shame! Australian Unions demand justice for casual Lipton workers in Pakistan 02-Oct-2009


World Day for Decent Work - October 7 02-Oct-2009


Unilever PG Tips Monkey on London Casual-T Tour 29-Sep-2009
2009 World Tour!


Keep Stella D'oro and Union Biscuit Jobs in the Bronx! 29-Sep-2009

Australia - AMWU Workplace Action Challenges Employer Drive for Flexibilization 29-Sep-2009

The Daily Massacre and Kraft's Bid for Cadbury 26-Sep-2009
A leading financial analyst explains why markets are buzzing over renewed takeover activity - IUF exclusive

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