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Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide

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    = Urgent Action

[Members Only] The Sugar Worker, December 2002. News from the Sugar Sector. 31-Dec-2002

Coca-Cola Bottler and IUF affiliate STECSA Sign New Collective Agreement in Guatemala 23-Dec-2002

More Worker Deaths in China as 30 Miners Killed/ACFTU and Management Act to Preempt Action by Miners 12-Dec-2002

[Members Only] The Sugar Worker, November 2002. News from the Sugar Sector. 01-Dec-2002

Korea: Lotte Hotel Union Wins Landmark Sexual Harassment Case 28-Nov-2002

World Aids Day December 1: AIDS is a Trade Union Issue! 27-Nov-2002

[Members Only] IUF Convenes Global Meeting on Coca-Cola 26-Nov-2002

IUF Intervenes to Secure Workers' Rights as Unilever Prepares to Sell Malaysian Plantations 22-Nov-2002

[Members Only] Asia/Pacific Nestl� Unions Adopt Action Plan 19-Nov-2002

[Members Only] NGG and German Works Council Oversee Nestl� GLOBE Project 19-Nov-2002

[Members Only] New collective agreement and social plans negotiated at Nestl� Netherlands 19-Nov-2002

Australian and New Zealand Unions Meet to Confront Impending Restructuring in the Trans-Tasman Dairy Industries 12-Nov-2002

[Members Only] Record of the Meeting of the Nestl� European Council for Information and Consultation 12-Nov-2002

Initial Victory at Interbrew UK 05-Nov-2002

[Members Only] The Sugar Worker, October 2002. News from the Sugar Sector. 05-Nov-2002

Union Victory at Sydney Hilton Hotel 01-Nov-2002

Accor to Withdraw from Burma 31-Oct-2002

[Members Only] Documentation for the IUF Global Meat Workers Conference, September 2002 30-Sep-2002

Asia/Pacific Nestl� Workers meet in Jakarta. 28-Sep-2002

IUF Condemns Latest Colombian Trade Union Assassinations and Continued Impunity 25-Sep-2002

Trade Union Rights at Risk at Coca-Cola Guatemala 24-Sep-2002

IUF Global Meat Workers' Conference Develops Action Plan for Future Work 20-Sep-2002

IUF/Interbrew Agreement Ends Four-Month Brewery Strike in Montenegro 19-Sep-2002

Belarus: State Regains Control of Agro-Food Union as Lukashenko Tightens his Grip 13-Sep-2002

[Members Only] ICFTU view on WSSD outcome 11-Sep-2002

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