Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide



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Watching private equity.

Guide to private equity.


Solidarity with workers in Iran.

Food Service Workers website.
An IUF alliance for Catering and Foodservice company Employees worldwide

Global Unions.

The European Portal of Trade Unions in Tourism

IUF Newswire XML.
The latest news from the IUF - on your union website

Key issues: Hong Kong Liaison Office of the international trade union movement (IHLO)

Click here to see the IUF website for small screens such as mobile phones and PDAs.

How to contact the IUF:

Email: [email protected]
Post: Rampe du Pont-Rouge, 8, CH-1213, Petit-Lancy (Switzerland)
Phone: + 41 22 793 22 33
Fax: + 41 22 793 22 38
Urgent actions

At Tetley we want you to enjoy your pregnancy without it being stressful 27-Nov-2009

UPDATE! Independent Sugar Union Leaders in Iran Now Behind Bars - Act Now! 16-Nov-2009


Ethical? Tetley’s Tata Tea Starving Indian Tea Workers into Submission 12-Nov-2009


Nespressure Mounts at Nescafé Indonesia - Act Now to Defend Trade Union Rights! 20-Oct-2009
Good Food - Good Life - Goodbye to Union Rights in the Workplace

New Zealand Dairy Workers Face Vicious Assault on Union Rights 28-Sep-2009


Unilever Lipton Management/Contractors Instigate Violent Attacks On Khanewal Action Committee Members 08-Sep-2009
Latest Casual-T: Khanewal Action Committee member Abdul Aziz in hospital following the attack by relatives of Unilever labour contractors.



Mp3 Juice Your very own gadgets! 28-Nov-2016
Mp3 juice

Strike at Nestlé Tunisia after secret sale of ice cream factory 05-Dec-2009

Faster Discharges for Fast Food Bakery Workers? 04-Dec-2009

IUF, ITUC Call for ILO Action on Jailed Iranian Sugar Union Leaders 04-Dec-2009

IUF joins the world's labour movement in mourning the death of Neil Kearney, ITGLWF General Secretary 23-Nov-2009

Tetley/Tata Responds to IUF Support for Hungry Tea Workers in India ... with Public Relations 23-Nov-2009

Unite Demands Kraft Divulge Employment Implications of Potential Cadbury Takeover 17-Nov-2009

As UN World Summit on Food Security Meets, IUF Asks What about the Workers? 16-Nov-2009

Coca-Cola Ireland conflict resolved 10-Nov-2009

Europe's Social Democrats Launch 'Europeans for Financial Reform' 30-Oct-2009

IUF/Danone Group Launch International Union/Management Meetings 28-Oct-2009

Nestlé Hong Kong still refuses union recognition, steps up casual hiring 26-Oct-2009


US, EU Must Act Now to Defend Democracy in Honduras!

Joint statement by the IUF international and Latin American regional secretariats - Geneva, October 1, 2009[more]

Global Hotel Monitor

The IUF is regularly informed of labour disputes arising in the global hotel sector, and has now made available an updated list showing hotels where there are ongoing or potential labour conflicts. Click here to check out the IUF Global Hotel Monitor.

IUF Video News

Click here to view IUF videos on YouTube. Click here to see IUF videos on YouTube, including all videos from the IUF's 25th Congress.

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