IUFUniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide Security Restored to SINTRAINAGRO Leader in Colombia
Posted to the IUF website 22-Apr-2003 Share this article.
In January, the IUF called for international action when Guillermo Rivera, Vice-President of the Colombian rural workers union SINTRAINAGRO, was suddenly deprived of the security measures which the state had previously provided. The withdrawal of bodyguards placed Rivera in greatly heightened danger in view of the history of violence against the union, which has had over 400 leaders and members murdered since 1989. The government justified the withdrawal of basic protection by stating that it was the job of the unions, not the authorities, to provide security for their leaders.
We are now able to report that Rivera has had his protection restored, including bodyguards, and that he is again able to travel with at least this degree of security in the dangerous rural areas and banana zones of Colombia in order to carry out his union duties.
SINTAINAGRO believes that the international attention to this situation and the protest messages to the Colombian government played a significant role in reversing the government's January decision to deprive union leaders of protection.
The IUF continues to closely monitor the situation in Colombia of trade unionists generally and our affiliates in particular, as there has been no let up in the level of violence.