IUFUniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide International Union Solidarity with UK Tesco Meatworker Campaign
Posted to the IUF website 22-Dec-2008 Share this article.
Following on December 11 union actions in Hungary and Korea, IUF members demonstrated at Tesco stores in Kurtk�y, Turkey and in the Polish cities of Olsztyn and Warsaw on December 18. The unions were responding to the IUF's call for solidarity action in support of the T&G section of the UK's Unite campaign for equal treatment for meat workers employed in the UK and Ireland in transnational retail giant Tesco's supply chain.
In Turkey, where Tesco operates as Kipa, the action was organized by the foodworkers union Tekgida-Is. Members distributed leaflets, informing consumers and workers about the union action in the UK, and handed in letters to management in both Turkish and English.
In Poland, groups from the Solidarnosc meatworkers gathered in front of the two stores, distributing IUF materials on the UK situation and calling on Tesco to respond to the union's demands.
You can support the campaign by clicking here to sign an electronic petition to Tesco CEO Terry Leahy on the union's website, where there's also more information and campaign materials.