IUFUniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide Mobilisation in Support of Collective Bargaining in Italy
Posted to the IUF website 11-May-2007 Share this article.
On Friday, 11 May, service sector workers are gathering in Rome for a mass rally organised by their unions, Filcams-CGIL, Fisascat-CISL and Uiltucs-UIL. Workers and their unions are calling for meaningful negotiations for the renewal of collective agreements for the retail and service, the tourism and the cleaning sectors.
The unions have called a general strike in those sectors to coincide with the rally because the renewal of the CBA for the tourism sector and its components (hotels, restaurants and catering establishments) is already 18 months overdue, and cleaning sector workers have been waiting 24 months for crucial improvements to their collective agreement.
The unions are calling for a stop to rampant casualisation, the precarious employment conditions of sub-contracted and agency workers, and the rising trend toward on-call contracts in the tourism sector.
Delegates from HRCT sector trade unions from Spain, France and Italy and the IUF, meeting this week in Rome for a Mediterranean trade union conference on tourism are joining the rally and have issued a statement of solidarity with the Italian unions in their struggle for agreements that respond to the economic needs of service-sector workers and ensure their right to stable employment and decent working conditions.