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Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide

SINTRAINAGRO Member Murdered in Colombia

Posted to the IUF website 15-Oct-2006

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The IUF condemns the assassination of yet another member of the Colombian rural workers' union SINTRAINAGRO, union activist Jes�s Marino Mosquera, who was murdered while returning from work on October 11. Mosquera was employed for over 20 years at a farm in the municipality of Carepa, where he served as a union representative on the joint labour/management committee for the past 12 years. Mosquera's murder brings to well over 400 the number of SINTRAINAGRO officers and members who have been murdered since the union was founded.

The IUF joins with SINTRAINAGRO and the national trade union center CUT in calling on the authorities to undertake an immediate investigation and bring the killers to justice. Together with our Colombian sisters and brothers, we call for heightened vigilance on the part of democratic civil society and appropriate action by the authorities to ensure that there is no return to the levels of violence which have devastated this region of Colombia in recent years.