IUFUniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide New PSI Study on Free Trade Agreements in the Americas Highlights Corporate Attack on Democracy
Posted to the IUF website 20-Jan-2005 Share this article.
The Public Services International (PSI) has produced an excellent study of the ways in which the trade and investment provisions of the as-yet unratified Free Trade Area of the Americas treaty (FTAA) would seriously erode both public services and governments' ability to regulate in the public interest. Divide and Conquer: The FTAA, U.S. trade strategy and public services in the Americas reviews the impact of existing regional and bilateral trade and investment treaties in the region, and clearly shows the various ways in which these agreements are being used to ratchet up the corporate agenda in the GATS and other WTO negotiations. It concludes with a look at resistance and alternatives.
Divide and Conquer can be downloaded in English from the PSI website. It can also be requested in English and Spanish by e-mail directly from PSI.