IUFUniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide Sexual Harassment at PepsiCo Poland: Update
Posted to the IUF website 11-May-2005 Share this article.
The eight women workers who were fired or forced to resign because of sexual harassment by a supervisor are still being victimized at PepsiCo's Frito-Lay plant near Warsaw (Background).
Although the perpetrator of the alleged crimes remains imprisoned, the victims are still without jobs or financial income from PepsiCo. As the legal cases continue at a slow pace, there have been some new developments:

The NSZZ Solidarnosc union conducted a picket line at PepsiCo headquarters in Warsaw on 6 May.
The union reports receiving copies of thousands of protest messages to PepsiCo both from Poland and from other countries.
The IUF-affiliated Food and Allied Workers Union of Norway (NNN) is providing financial support to the victimized women, who were fired after filing sexual harassment charges and have yet to be reinstated.
We will keep you informed of developments.