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児童労働に反対するグローバル・マーチの議長Kaliash Satyarthiと他の児童労働活動家らのグループが6月15日、北インドのウッタルプラデシュ州の大ローマサーカスで奴隷状態になっている多くの子供たちを解放しようとして、野蛮にも攻撃され、殴打された。Kaliash Satyarthiは、カカオ生産における適正な労働基準に向けて活動する国際カカオイニシアチブの理事会の委員でもある。同組織はIUF書記長が共同議長を務めている。


大ローマサーカスのマネージャーがグローバルマーチ議長、 Kailash Satyarthi を銃で脅す。

Satyarthi は、頭と足に重症の怪我を負ったため治療を受けなければならなかった。


奴隷同然の労働 大ローマサーカスの二人の小さな女の子





To: Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India
Fax: + 91 11 23016857

cc: Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, President of India
Fax: + 91 11 2301 7290/2301 7824

Concerns: brutal attack on Kailash Satyarthi and campaigners against child labour in Uttar Pradesh

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

I write to protest the apparent connivance of local authorities in the June 15 attack on Kailash Satyarthi and other child labour campaigners. Mr. Satyarthi was threatened at gunpoint, attacked and brutally beaten when he visited the Great Roman Circus which was camped in Colonelganj Tehsil, Gonda District. Mr. Satyarthi was accompanied by other campaigners against child labour and some of the parents of the children working in the circus. They visited the circus after presenting the district administration with evidence that children were being illegally employed. The district officials authorized the sub-divisional magistrate to take action.

Despite the fact that they were accompanied by a sub-divisional magistrate, the group was attacked by the circus manager and his crew with guns, knives and iron rods. Satyarthi required emergency medical treatment as a result of serious head injuries and a fractured leg, only avoiding worse injuries through the action of the group to defend him. His son and other members of the group also suffered serious injuries; a photojournalist accompanying them was beaten and her camera smashed.

All of this, including a threat to kill Mr. Satyarthi on the spot and to follow him to his Delhi home, took place in the presence of the police, the representatives of the district authorities and the media. Our information is that not only do the child circus workers remain the captives of the owner, but some of their parents as well.

We therefore call upon your government to take all necessary measures to insure the physical safety and well-being of Kailash Satyarthi and other child labour campaigners, to take all necessary measures to investigate and bring to justice the district authorities who permitted these violent actions to proceed as well as the circus owner and his employees who perpetrated the violence, and to act to free the child workers and their parents held captive by the Great Roman Circus.

We also urge your government to carry out, as a matter of urgency, an investigation of the situation of all children currently working in circuses in India, to secure their immediate release and to bring to justice those employers responsible for these abuses.

