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Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide

Union Win at Quetta Serena Hotel, Pakistan

Posted to the IUF website 25-Jul-2005

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Gul Hassan, president of the Quetta Serena Hotel Workers Union

In May this year the IUF informed affiliates of the dismissal and arrest of Haji Gul Hassan, president of the Quetta Serena Hotel Workers Union. At that time we started to focus international attention on the Quetta Serena Hotel. Our campaign included direct pressure on a major shareholder in the hotel, the Aga Khan Foundation.

We are delighted to report that all charges been dropped against Haji Gul Hassan and on July 21 he was reinstated with full benefits and wages from the time of his dismissal. The union points to this as a major victory in its fight for rights at the hotel.

When Gul Hassan entered the hotel to punch in for work on July 21 the workers welcomed him and surrounded him in celebration.

Gul Hassan has asked our Pakistan office to express his union's appreciation to IUF members and particularly those who approached the Aga Khan Foundation whose intervention appears to have played a positive role.